Even After Death

Chapter: 793

The child and Su Qingyu are in danger at the same time, and she mainly focuses on Su Qingyu’s interests.

“Madam, I’m sorry.”

Dr. Mu hurriedly picked her up, and Su Qingyu looked at the two silent children who had been left on the clothes, tears mixed with rain flowing wildly.

“Don’t!My child!”

Dr. Mu crawled hard on the cliff carrying her on her back. She trained all year round and her physical fitness was much better than that of ordinary people.

Even so, she was also very hard to carry Su Qingyu.

The sky was raining heavily, mixed with the sound of the waves, she did not dare to look back.

He lost a gun to Yan Qi, and took risks on the cliffs protecting Su Qingyu one after the other.

Seven or eight people chased Su Qingyu one after another, and no one looked down at the two dead babies when they passed by.

Their goals are all on Su Qingyu.

Until the last person’s pace slowed down, he stopped and picked up the child.

The child didn’t have any temperature in the heavy rain, and his body was soft, like a stray dog abandoned by someone.

He patted the child on the back, and the two children spit out a mouthful of amniotic fluid from their mouths before they began to cry.

He hurriedly pulled off his waterproof suit, put the child against his own flesh on his chest, and warmed the child’s body with a scorching body temperature.

The child was also very well-behaved and did not cry anymore.

The only cry was covered by the sound of wind, rain, waves and gunfire.

Su Qingyu, who was far in front, turned his head as if he was inspired, “Dr. Mu, you let me go back, I heard the child crying.”

“Madam, I have just touched it with my hand, the child is out of breath, you are auditory hallucinations.”

“No, I really heard it. Take them and leave together. They are my flesh and blood, and they are the flesh that fell from my body!”I would rather exchange them with my own life.”

“I’m sorry, madam, I promised Mr. Li to protect you no matter what happens. The child is dead. It’s just two corpses. Taking them will only drag you down.”

Su Qingyu’s tears kept falling, and she could feel blood oozing from under her body.

Her condition is not much better than that of a child, and if she drags on like this, her life will be in danger.

Su Qingyu’s eyes flashed with Su Qiping lying on the hospital bed, Gu Lian who blocked her gun, and a child who hadn’t been hugged by herself since she was born.

Maybe she was really a heinous sinner in her previous life, that’s why God tortured her in this way.

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