Even After Death

Chapter: 804

“Since that person spent so much money to buy my life, it shows that my existence has had a great impact on that person, and I have to live well to figure out the truth. Maybe there is a bigger secret behind it!”

Li Tingchen looked at the woman in front of her, the fragility on her face disappeared, like a phoenix reborn from the fire, her eyes changed.

If she loses her maternal love, all hatred will be transformed into the sharpest armor.

Su Qingyu didn’t want to accept these facts and had to accept that something had happened, and there was no room for regret in the world.

Her life was exchanged for blood by many people, and she will not only live for herself in the future.

“You don’t have to worry that I will do stupid things again. You go back and take a bath and have a good rest. Don’t worry, I won’t run away in the future.”

Li Tingchen was surprised that she would say these words, and Su Qingyu woke up like a different person.

If she used to be a white magnolia, she was slim, elegant and noble, but she didn’t have the slightest harm.

So now Su Qingyu is a prickly rose, cold and bright, but it will stab people who are close to it all over.

“Susu, I’m not tired……”

He was not sure about Su Qingyu’s current state, and wanted to guard her and see the situation again.

Su Qingyu didn’t explain anything, but looked at the closed door, “I heard someone crying, who is it?””

“Gu Lian’s parents, they are clamoring for a statement. Considering that Gu Lian died for you, I opened up the internet, but let them kick their noses and face, and they have been making a scene in the hospital.”

Su Qingyu shook his head, very dissatisfied with Li Tingchen’s statement, “You will never realize the heart of being a mother. What can we do for our children? This is not a slap on the nose.”

As she opened the quilt, her body did not recover well and she didn’t have much strength.

Su Qingyu turned his head to look at Li Tingchen, “Can you help me out and have a look?””


The moment the door was opened, the sound outside became louder, and the woman’s heartbreaking voice penetrated into the eardrum.

Su Qingyu raised her eyes and looked into the distance. A plainly dressed middle-aged woman came into her eyes. Her hair was messy, her eyes were flushed, and her face was full of grief. She was holding Chen Ling’s collar and crying.

Chen Ling had already scratched a few blood marks on his neck, but he didn’t dodge, but said calmly: “Auntie, calm down, things are already like this.”

“Calm down, how do you want me to calm down?One of my good daughters was handed over to you, why did she die?”

There was a man not far away, staring at the wall in the distance in silence, his eyes desperate, turning a blind eye to what was happening around him.

These are probably Gu Lian’s parents.

Su Qingyu was supported by Li Tingchen for most of her body weight. She spoke in a thick voice and said in a dull voice: “Auntie, Sister Lian died for me. If you want to blame, you can blame me.”

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