Even After Death

Chapter: 81

Yang Fan explained kindly: “Ehime Hospital is the largest medical project in these two years, costing 3.5 billion.”

Li Qingqing snorted coldly: “The purpose of Ehime Hospital is to build a super-first-class international hospital. Both the doctors and the equipment are among the top in the world. Of course, the treatment is far ahead of other domestic hospitals. There is such a good thing. A good old man like the monitor naturally thinks of us old classmates first.”

The classmates next to him were also discussing excitedly. As long as they could enter the job, the salary would be tripled. Of course, the threshold would be higher. It would be much easier if there were acquaintances.

With this explanation, Su Qingyu also understood that Yang Fan was originally from a famous family of traditional Chinese medicine. It is estimated that he has a lot of shares in this hospital. This move is also to introduce some talents to the hospital.

In the past, they were the dominant class, and they had a lot of talents. They said it was a reunion of classmates, but in fact, they were mixed with interests.

It is estimated that Qin Ou was busy breaking up with her ex-boyfriend during this time, and she didn’t figure out what kind of party it was. She just brought herself over when she came for a break.

Su Qingyu is not like Qin Ou. At this moment, she has already been talking about the house with people on her shoulders. She only feels embarrassed on such occasions. Yang Fan is as delicate as ever. She did not look down on her because of the bankruptcy of the Su family. Instead, she asked her about her recent situation with a gentle attitude.

“If Classmate Su is interested, Ehime Hospital welcomes talented doctors like you at any time.”

Su Qingyu smiled helplessly: “The monitor laughed, I am a student who has not graduated……”

Yangfan looked puzzled: “No, although Classmate Su was suspended from school at the time, he did have a graduation certificate and a degree certificate.”

Su Qingyu was taken aback, “Squad leader, are you mistaken?”

“How could it be possible that I distributed the graduation certificates of the whole class back then, but it was Su’s family who came to get the certificate. Didn’t you get the graduation certificate?”

Su Qingyu quickly figured it out, it should be Li Tingchen who used other means to get her graduation certificate.

At that time, he was still pregnant, and his relationship with him was getting worse and worse. He didn’t tell himself about this kind of trivial matter without paying attention to it.

Su Qingyu smiled, “I got it.”

“I haven’t heard from you in the past two years, where are you studying?I have also heard about the Su family. They are all old classmates. If you need help, please feel free to contact me. It would be an honor to invite Su to the hospital.”

In the eyes of the world, she is still the rising genius star. Recalling the past few years of life, Su Qingyu knew what a mistake she had made.

“Sorry, I have no plans in this regard for the time being. This occasion is not suitable for me today. I……”

Li Qingqing looked proud, “Yes, I heard that you are married, so you haven’t been a housewife for the past few years, have you?”This kind of occasion is really not suitable for you, so as not to disturb your guests for a while.”

Yang Fan glanced at her again. The Li family still had to rely on the Yang family, and Li Qingqing didn’t dare to be too presumptuous. Yang Fan’s upbringing made him take extra care of everyone.

“It doesn’t matter. It’s been a long time since we got together. The days are still long. They are all in the same circle. We will inevitably work together in the future. Today, in addition to the students in our class, I also invited some powerful doctors. Su students don’t have to be uncomfortable. Just think of it as broadening your network.”

Being comforted by Yang Fan like this, Su Qingyu couldn’t leave if she wanted to. The other classmates were not malicious to her, and three or five people pulled Su Qingyu to chat.

When Su Qingyu saw them, she thought of her own arbitrary college life in the past. She had also talked eloquently in the medical field like them, confident and bright as the sun.

Looking down at the lines of her palm, since when did she become so submissive and lifeless?

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