Even After Death

Chapter: 814

She just wanted to say something, then her head went blank, and she handed over the quilt in her hand, “Sister-in-law Gu, your girl died tragically, what a good child.”

“Grandma, you haven’t told me who Miss Pan’er is.”

The old lady turned her head to look at her, and said with a look of surprise: “Miss, you are back……”

Su Qingyu: “……”

Li Tingchen patted her on the shoulder soothingly, “The old lady should be forgetful when she is old, so don’t worry too much.”

Zhao Mingxia also answered: “Yes, Grandma is in her eighties this year. She is neither blind nor deaf in her eyes on weekdays. It is this burst of forgetfulness and capriciousness.”

“Godmother, is there anyone else in Grandma’s family?”

“No, she lost her wife very early and has no children. She was in the village when I was very young, and she hasn’t left in all these years.”

“Then do you know what she has experienced before?”

“I don’t know much about what I have experienced. I only heard that 60 or 70 years ago, our country was in constant war, and natural and man-made disasters followed one after another. In those years, many people starved to death, and many people went into the city to work. Grandma also used to go into the city to work as a nanny for rich people.”

Su Qingyu accompanied her grandmother for a while and talked for a while, but found that her condition was really not very good, and her memory was still there for a while.

After discussing with Li Tingchen, she brought her grandmother back to City A.

It is probably possible to guess that the young lady Pan’er, who is working for her grandmother, should look very similar to herself. Judging from her age, even if the other party is still alive, she is from her grandmother or grandmother’s generation.

Su Qingyu did not go back to the seaside villa, but went to another large flat floor.

The old lady said very little along the way, her eyes full of tension and novelty.

Seventy years later, their country has long changed with each passing day, becoming a superpower, and they will never see the slightest shadow of the past.

As soon as he entered the door, the heat was oncoming, but the old lady’s slightly bent body stood respectfully like a conditioned reflex and said, “Welcome home, Miss.”

Obviously, she was a person who had almost forgotten who she was, and these things seemed to be engraved in her bones.

“Grandma, just treat this as your own home, go ahead and talk about it.”

Su Qingyu also returned to the big flat floor for the first time and took a look at it casually.

Li Tingchen pointed to the guest room not far away, “Let Mother Zhang clean it up temporarily. Grandma Wang lives here for the time being. She lives with you every day. Maybe she can remember something faster.””


“After she adapts for two days, I will ask someone to give her a full body physical examination.”

“Thank you.”

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