Even After Death

Chapter: 829

“But Mr. Li, even if her wife’s past is full of scars, she has the right to decide whether she wants to forget it. You quietly inject her regardless of her wishes. In case she regains her memory in the future, will she blame you?…..”

“Do you think I haven’t thought about this?Not to mention how difficult Susu has been along the way, she is full of heart and eyes. There is only one way left. She has become extremely sensitive and can’t get a good night’s sleep every night. However, once the wind blows and the grass moves, she will wake up. Falling asleep is a constant nightmare, and there is also a deep gap between her and me, and I have no other way.”

Li Tingchen raised his wedding ring, and the silver-white plain ring shone with a cold luster in the sun.

“I finally found a way to break the game, as long as Susu injected M.1. She will forget all the painful memories of the past, including the harm I caused her.”

When he said this, there was a happy and crazy expression on his face, “She will become the little girl who used to be full of eyes and only me. Our marriage is perfect and no one will destroy it.””

Chen Ling opened his mouth but stopped talking, not knowing what to say.

I just hope that everything will be as Li Tingchen wishes.

The man Su Qingyu followed was very burly and sturdy, with a tanned face.

“Miss Su, I know your intentions, and I will do my best to protect you. Just call me Lao Hei.”

Su Qingyu nodded, “Thank you.”

“The geographical latitude here is close to the equator, and it has a tropical climate, with humid and high temperature all year round, and thunderstorm weather.

This means that the resources here are very plentiful and the food is very rich, but there are more poisonous creatures than elsewhere.

From insects to plants to animals, there are dangers everywhere.”

When Su Qingyu came, she had already checked a lot of information and got a topographic map from Li Tingchen. She already had a number in her heart.

“I have studied every kind of animal and plant, don’t worry about this.”

“Well, I will throw you into the prison in a while. As long as you pretend to be a death row prisoner, you will be trained together for a month, and then you will be put on the island to fight in a month.”

What kind of training?In fact, it is to let them hold a group to keep warm during this period of time and find companions to form a team.

At the beginning, the instructor would tell them that only 10% of them could stay. These people were originally prisoners sentenced to death, and naturally they all wanted to be that 10% and have another chance to be reborn.

But they didn’t know that the instructor deliberately buried a mine. When you think you have won, you will be put on the main island for the final battle. In order to survive, these people will often blade their former teammates.

This is the last level of the trial, human nature.

Only by erasing human nature can he become a qualified killer.

Unfortunately, Su Qingyu hung up and knew all the unspoken rules inside, so she didn’t plan to make friends with anyone from the beginning.

When she was thrown into the dark prison, everyone looked at her at the same time.

There are most male prisoners in the prison, and female prisoners are very rare.

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