Even After Death

Chapter: 833

She tightened the rope knife, Huang Ya was extremely angry, that height was beyond the reach of his fingers, he could only watch the rope was cut.

Without the rope on one side, the umbrella bag could not maintain its balance, so it was blown away by the wind.

“Bitch, I won’t let you go.”


Su Qingyu didn’t bother to pay attention, took the lead in finding the landing site and started his own landing.

Although there were some twists and turns, fortunately, she landed smoothly, Su Qingyu quickly packed up and left quickly.

The moment it landed, it proved that the real hunting moment had begun.

She did not form a team, and it was dangerous to be alone. Seeing that it was about to get dark, she had to find a temporary shelter as soon as possible.

Just being bitten by a poisonous spider can ascend to the sky in place.

Su Qingyu is already an experienced veteran and is ready to show off his skills.

She had enough compressed biscuits in her bag for seven days, which she kept for the sprint final lap.

Su Qingyu made a simple shelter, found some wild fruits and plant rhizomes from the surroundings, and collected some herbs that could treat wounds in case of a rainy day.

As night falls, the sky is full of stars, and the starry sky here is very pure and beautiful.

Su Qingyu looked up at the stars with her back to the sky. During this time, she was so busy that she ignored everything.

Only when she calms down will she think of the piecemeal memories of the past.

Now she will still habitually put her hand on her lower abdomen.

But it was empty, like her heart, and Su Qingyu, who was alive now, was just an empty body.

Late at night.

Lao He stood respectfully behind Li Tingchen, “Mr. Li, my wife is a very good seedling. I haven’t started a small business for her this month. She has completed all the tasks perfectly.”

Li Tingchen frowned, this was not what he wanted to see.

“It’s enough to let her play to this point.”

Li Tingchen’s expression was cold. He was willing to give Su Qing freedom, but this freedom was within his control.

The danger on the island is now uncontrollable.

But any accident is enough to make him regret it for the rest of his life.

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