Even After Death

Chapter: 848

“Tell me more about our past. I don’t remember anything. How did we meet?””

Li Tingchen hugged her to the bay window, with a soft carpet under her body. The room was as warm as spring, and the snow was falling outside.

Su Qingyu leaned in Li Tingchen’s arms, feeling the temperature of his chest, and a low and pleasant magnetic voice echoed softly in his ears.

“Eleven years ago, I was lying on the ground covered in blood and dying. It was you who discovered my existence. At that time, you were still very young. You were so scared to death, but you approached me with kindness. Dial 120 for me, and wipe the blood with your own little handkerchief.”

Li Tingchen recalled the encounter between the two, and the corners of his mouth couldn’t help but raise slightly.

“At that time, I only had one breath left, but I deeply remembered the warm smile when you left. I secretly vowed that I would find you and repay you.”

“What happened later?”

“I was very busy at that time. It was a few years later when I went to see you. I went to your school in the name of a lecture.Until now, I still remember the picture of us meeting on the playground. You are wearing a school uniform and a ponytail. Your face has faded from the childishness of the past. Facing the sun, it is just the right time for youth.”

A picture quickly flashed across Su Qingyu’s mind, and the man in the white shirt was heart-pounding.

The picture was too fast, she didn’t have time to see who it was.

Li Tingchen continued to recall the encounter between the two, knowing each other and loving each other. Su Qingyu couldn’t remember clearly, but still found some clues between the lines of his words.

“I must have loved you very much in the past, right?”

Li Tingchen looked at her tenderly, “Well, what do you think of?””

Su Qingyu shook his head, “I just think that since I am so good in your mouth, I gave up my studies for the sake of my family. If I didn’t love you badly, who would give up their dreams?””

Li Tingchen’s face was complicated, so Su Qingyu couldn’t understand it. He looked at the flying snow in the distance and murmured softly: “Yes, if you didn’t love me badly, how could you give up?”Susu, I will love you well, I swear by my life.”

Su Qingyu was hugged very tightly by him, so tightly that she was about to be unable to breathe, she could only push Li Tingchen hard.

But I found that my right wrist was not so flexible, and I looked closely at a scar on my wrist, “My hand……”

Li Tingchen hurriedly let go of her, “Your hand has been injured before, but it has gotten better.”

Su Qingyu moved around for a while and found that there was not much problem except that she was not so flexible. She just felt strange, “It’s so good, how could I get hurt here?”What is the injury?Who was hurt?”

“It was injured by a very bad person. He has been punished. Good boy, don’t think about it.”

Su Qingyu blinked and found that he was hiding a lot of words.

Although Li Tingchen treated her very well, Su Qingyu couldn’t tell what was wrong, she was always a little defensive.

“You like to study medicine, so I have arranged for you to study abroad.”

“But you didn’t say that I gave up everything for marriage. Why do you want me to continue my studies now?””

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