Even After Death

Chapter: 855

Did you just eat too spicy?Why does she feel so sore in her stomach.

It seems that I still have to control my diet in the future, and I can’t overeat too much.

Su Qingyu endured it for more than ten minutes before the stomach pain slowly eased.

When she dawdled out for an hour, she thought the workaholic was still working.

As soon as I opened the door, I saw the man leaning against the head of the bed.

Li Tingchen patted his side, “Susu, come here.”

After hiding all night, I still didn’t hide.

Su Qingyu stood there with an embarrassed face, thinking about how to explain so as not to hurt a man who loves her so much.

“Ting Chen, I have amnesia, so……”

She hesitated before she finished speaking, but the man let go with a smile: “I know, I won’t do anything to you.”

He opened the quilt and walked towards her, gently took her hand and said, “You have lost your memory and forgotten your feelings for me. I can understand, Susu, I can give you time to accept me and fall in love with me again.””

Under Li Tingchen’s warmth, she turned dizzy and followed him into bed.

I didn’t play with my mobile phone for a while before going to bed, and I saw that hundreds of people had already responded to the previous posts.

Most of them were joking about the eight-pack abs, and Su Qingyu immediately sent the latest battle report.

“Who knows the family, did I save the Milky Way in my previous life? He is really gentle and considerate!」

“Impossible, absolutely impossible, there is no such a good man in the world, the landlord must be dreaming.」

“The landlord is writing a romance novel, right?With such a perfect man, my chest is broken with a big stone.」

“Come to wake up the landlord who doesn’t have diabetes, don’t give her sweetness.」

“Human nature is ugly. The more perfect a person is, the better he pretends to be. The landlord should be careful. There is no love in this world for no reason. If a person treats you for no reason, then there must be a plan!」

Su Qingyu’s gaze stayed on this comment, and the smile at the corner of his mouth solidified.

This comment brought Su Qingyu’s sanity back to reality.

That’s right, all the information after she woke up today was telling her one thing, how much she and Li Tingchen loved each other, and how much Li Tingchen loved her.

Everything is like that perfect gift box, and it looks beautiful from the outside without any flaws.

Even if the loss of the child was an accident, who hurt her hand?

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