Even After Death

Chapter: 861

That one piece, every stroke was devoted to Su Qiping’s hard work.

A strong grief suddenly surged in Su Qingyu’s heart, and the picture of a thin man carving with a wooden knife flashed in front of him.

Especially the wooden sword, the dragon on it is vividly carved.

The wooden sword has not been carved yet, and there is still a part left.

Tears dripped down somehow, “It took him a lot of time.”

“Well, after all, it’s creation that makes people.”

Li Tingchen stroked the tears from the corner of her eyes with her fingers, “Don’t cry Susu, everything is over, I said you will have me in the future.”

Su Qingyu fell on his shoulder, tears rolling down his neck.

She sobbed in her voice: “Obviously I can’t remember anything, but I still feel sad, Ting Chen, have I forgotten what I shouldn’t have forgotten?”

Li Tingchen stroked her head as if stroking a child, “Susu, since it’s all pain when you think of it, it’s better to forget it cleanly. Dad has a spirit in heaven, and he must also hope that you can live happily and happily, instead of being immersed in the grief of losing him. Depressed every day.”

The result was completely different from what Su Qingyu thought. The things left by her father were indeed priceless to her, but they were not of great value.

This has nothing to do with netizens’ analysis of half a dime, this man doesn’t want her money at all.

Then what else does she have to figure out?

After staying at Su’s house for most of the day, Su Qingyu still didn’t remember anything.

Before leaving, Daytime followed. Su Qingyu just wanted to say that daytime would be taken away, but when the words came to his mouth, he paused. Subconsciously, someone seemed to be telling Su Qingyu that Li Tingchen didn’t like cats.


Su Qingyu pointed to the cat at his feet, “Can I take it back?””

He was already very old during the day and couldn’t live for too long. Su Qingyu wanted to stay with him all the time.

Li Tingchen replied very readily, “Okay, let someone take it back, and we will continue today’s date.”

Su Qingyu chewed his words repeatedly, “Is it a date?””

The man smiled slightly and clasped Su Qingyu’s hand, “Otherwise?Is it illegal to get married and date?We are a legal appointment based on the law.”

He drove the car himself and fastened Su Qingyu’s seat belt.

“Did we date a lot before?”

Li Tingchen looked at the front of him and replied honestly: “No, I was very busy in the past, and I traveled a lot. I spent very little time with you, but I will try to spend more time with you in the future.””

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