Even After Death

Chapter: 867

“If you break my marriage, I will destroy your foundation.”

These are the exact words he said under the tree.

The clouds in the sky above my head were surging, and the snow around me was getting bigger.

Chen Feng grabbed Chen Ling’s hand and said with a shiver in his mouth: “Brother, I don’t know if Li Ling is crazy. This day is so scary!Were there so many dark clouds when we came?”

Even if there are street lights all around the square, the dark clouds are surging, which makes people feel creepy.

“Mr. Li, forget it, just a tree……”

The sound of the chainsaw covered Chen Feng’s voice, Li Tingchen raised the chainsaw, and at this moment, a thunder exploded above his head out of thin air.

“Oh my god!”Chen Feng yelled in fright.

Generally, there is more thunder in spring and summer, but very little in winter.

Besides, there was no warning before. Suddenly there was a thunderstorm, and it was still in the empty square at three o’clock in the morning, and everyone present stood with hair on their backs.

Even the calm Chen Ling persuaded him: “Mr. Li, forget it, it’s very dangerous, in case you get hit by lightning……”

What answered him was Li Tingchen’s action of dropping the chainsaw on the trunk of the tree without hesitation, and the harsh sound reverberated in the square for a long time.

Li Tingchen’s eyes were scarlet, and he gritted his teeth and said word by word: “Since the gods and Buddhas are not protected, then I will go against this day and break this tree. The gods will kill the gods, and the Buddhas will kill the Buddhas!”

Even if he falls to hell, he will live with Su Qingyu for the rest of his life, and no one can stop him!

The people around were dumbfounded, and Li Tingchen was completely different from their impression.

No one can figure out why he can’t get along with a tree.

In the midst of the thunder, the chainsaw in his hand sawed out mars.

“Brother, look at that Lei, I’m afraid I’ll hit Mr. Li. Is he stimulated by his wife again?””

Chen Ling looked coldly, “I don’t know if it was stimulated by my wife, but it must have something to do with my wife. I am very worried about Mr. Li’s state.”

“Yes, in the past, Mr. Li didn’t show the mountains and didn’t show the water. His joys, sorrows and sorrows are difficult to ponder. After the blow of these things, his mental state is very unstable. I am afraid that he is the same as his wife……”

“Now that my wife is by his side, it can still be used as a tranquilizer. I am just a little worried that once my wife leaves him, the string on Mr. Li’s body will be broken, and he will be completely out of control, and the consequences will be unimaginable.”

Chen Feng frowned, “But I think the medicine works very well. My wife has forgotten the past, and Mr. Li will take her away from this sad place at the end of the month. Even the killer may not be able to find her whereabouts. Soon, the wife will get pregnant again, and the two will give birth to a new life. As long as the wife does not recover her memory, everything will be fine.”

Chen Ling sighed deeply, “It would be great if it were that simple, but there are so many uncertain things in this world. If there is a problem with Mr. Li’s plan, he and his wife will be completely over, and there is no room for compromise.”

“I hope it will continue like this, and don’t make any changes.”

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