Even After Death

Chapter: 873

Li Tingchen’s face did not change color and said, “Maybe it was cut in the way.”

“It’s a pity, such a big tree is at least a hundred years old. It’s a waste to cut it down if you say it’s cut down.”

“People have lives, and trees have tribulations. It’s no pity.”

Su Qingyu scratched his head, thinking about the tea table and wooden chairs that had just been delivered yesterday.

There is no shortage of furniture at home, why are there suddenly more wood products?

Li Tingchen said lightly to change the furniture to look fresh. She didn’t think much about it at the time, but sighed that the tea table was so big and how big a tree had to be cut down.

“Ting Chen, it’s not such a coincidence, the tea table at home is made of this tree, right?”

Li Tingchen stretched out her hand and touched her head, the expression on her face was still calm, “Susu, what are you talking about?”I am guilty of being angry with a tree and making it into a tea table?”

Su Qingyu looked at the tall figure of the man in the wind and snow, his handsome face was cold, and there was endless nobility in his gestures.

That’s right, how could such an elite person be stubborn with a tree?

Su Qingyu took Li Tingchen’s hand again, “Sorry, I always think a bit too much, let’s go eat.””

Li Tingchen patted the back of her hand, “It’s okay, we have to go somewhere after eating.”

“Hmm?Where is it?”

“You’ll know when you get there.”

Su Qingyu is like a child, always looking forward to surprises.

Before half past six, she pestered Li Tingchen, “Hurry up, where are we going?””

Li Tingchen stretched out her hand and tapped the tip of her nose, “Let’s go.”

She was taken to a high-end studio that specializes in tailoring makeup and styling for people.

Su Qingyu rarely comes to such a place and is a little scared, “What are you doing?””

Li Tingchen patted her on the shoulder, “Don’t be afraid, someone will take you.”

Su Qingyu was pushed into the dressing room in a daze.

Su Qingyu didn’t know what arrangements Li Tingchen had, and let everyone apply various cosmetics to her face.

From time to time, you can still hear compliments: “Tsk tsk, the young lady’s skin is really broken by a bullet, and she is very well nurtured by Mr. Li at first glance.”

“It’s not just the skin, can you pick out a little thorn in these facial features?It’s not that I said that I have put on makeup for so many artists. Regardless of whether it is an innate or acquired beauty, it is difficult to find such a perfect one.”

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