Even After Death

Chapter: 875

Seeing Li Tingchen coming from far and near, Shi Shi’s arrogant face became more nervous. She swallowed and whispered, “Cousin, cousin, what a coincidence, you are here too.”

Li Tingchen didn’t talk nonsense to her, “Get out.”

Shi Shi spit out his tongue, and hurriedly fled without turning his head.

“Ting Chen, is she your cousin?”


“Why haven’t you mentioned it before?”

“People who rarely contact.”

Su Qingyu frowned slightly, “What did she just say Wanwan, and who is it?””

“Unimportant people.”

Su Qingyu didn’t see the slightest ripple in his eyes, thinking about the arrogant attitude of the woman just now, this Wanwan must also be a bad person.

Li Tingchen seemed to be afraid that she would think too much. He squatted down and put Su Qingyu’s hand in his palm.

He squatted on the ground like that, his tall body shorter than Su Qingyu who was sitting.

However, Li Tingchen didn’t care at all. He raised his jaw with a solemn and serious expression, “Susu, when I was a child, I lived in my aunt’s house for a while. Xie Wan and the teacher’s family were friends in the world. At the banquet, a group of children got together to play a few times, that’s all.”

Su Qingyu didn’t mean much when he saw him so serious, “I didn’t question you anything.””

Li Tingchen took the initiative to hold her hand, “I don’t want you to feel a little uncomfortable because of irrelevant people. If you have, you must tell me.”

This full sense of security makes the women around you feel rippling. What kind of peerless man is this?

Su Qingyu was so shy that he pushed him out.

Li Tingchen’s love for her can be clearly felt even by a blind man.

She didn’t question it, she was just curious.

After receiving a positive answer, Su Qingyu’s heart was warm.

As night fell, Su Qingyu was wearing an evening dress and looked at her slender figure in the mirror. She hadn’t put on makeup since she woke up. Under such heavy makeup, even she was taken aback.

It’s no wonder that the people around him have been blowing rainbow fart, Su Qingyu himself can’t pick out the slightest flaw.

When she opened the door and walked out, Li Tingchen was stunned for a few seconds when she turned to look at her.

His Susu, sure enough, no one in the world can match it.

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