Even After Death

Chapter: 876

Along the way, Li Tingchen was very tight-lipped, and he didn’t reveal a word for a while.

When Su Qingyu saw him, he also took care of his hairstyle a little bit and changed into a formal dress. Flowers of the same color as her dress were inserted in his tie and chest. It should be a more important occasion to attend.

Seeing her expression of anxiety, Li Tingchen’s hand took the initiative to reach out, embedded in between her white fingers, and clasped her ten fingers.

The ring on his ring finger gently rubbed her skin, but Su Qingyu was inexplicably relieved.

“Don’t be afraid, there is me.”

The car came in from the vip passage, and Su Qingyu didn’t see anyone else except for a large number of security guards.

She followed Li Tingchen into the hotel curiously.

The hotel was luxuriously decorated, and Su Qingyu felt more and more that there was a big scene waiting for her in front of her, and her palms were full of sweat.

“I’ll go to the bathroom.”


Li Tingchen gave Chen Ling a wink. Chen Ling took someone to the bathroom to confirm that there was no danger, and Su Qingyu went in.

Su Qingyu didn’t know those things in the past, she just felt that Li Tingchen treated her like an egg, for fear that she would accidentally fall out of her hand and break it.

When she finished washing her hands, adjusting her breathing, applying a layer of hand cream, she raised her chest and walked out.

Li Tingchen was waiting for her in the corridor not far away. As soon as Su Qingyu was about to pass, he saw another white shadow heading straight for Li Tingchen.

“Brother Li!Long time no see.”

The woman’s voice was very sweet. Because she walked too fast, she had ten centimeters of stiletto heels under her feet, stepped on the skirt that got in the way, and fell straight into Li Tingchen’s arms.

It was obviously quiet, and I don’t know when there were one or two reporters, and the camera in their hands was aimed at Li Tingchen.

Seeing this scene, Su Qingyu stopped running towards Li Tingchen, and the smile on his face froze.

She just lost her memory and was not a fool. Obviously, this passage was cleaned up in advance, so how could a reporter appear for no reason.

How could that woman with exquisite makeup and a decent dress fall down on high heels casually?

Obviously she was deliberately looking for someone to squat in advance.

This kind of strategy may seem simple, but it is very effective.

It’s just that Su Qingyu couldn’t understand that although Li Tingchen had a good family background, he was just a more advanced worker. Could he use such methods?

What would he do in the face of a woman’s embrace?

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