Even After Death

Chapter: 898

Mother Zhang threw away the tissue and confirmed that Su Qingyu was okay, so she sat down again and continued to tell: “This incident has become the biggest heart disease of my wife. After giving birth to a child, she seems to have changed a person. How terrible is postpartum depression, madam, you know it as a woman. Madam is actually very pitiful. Is she wrong to love someone?The young master was also angered by her as a result, and she became irritable, showing signs of self-harm or wounding at every turn.”

When she said this, Mother Zhang sighed, “I heard that the young master entered the incubator as soon as he was born because he was a premature baby. He finally came out and was hugged in front of his wife. The wife showed no signs and threw the child to the ground. If it weren’t for the old lady’s quick reaction, the young master would have been over at that time.”

“This is her own son.”

“Yes, the lady already had a strong postpartum depression at that time. The old lady had to separate her from the young master and let herself and the nanny take care of the young master. The young master has been very sensible since he was a child. He also wanted to be close to his mother. On his third birthday, the lady treated him for a few years and looked no different from normal people. Who knew that the lady suddenly went crazy while everyone was unprepared, and she was about to jump off the building holding the young master.”

Su Qingyu’s heart was pulled up when he heard this. Li Tingchen was only three years old at the time.

“Did you really jump?”

“Fortunately, the floor is not high. It fell from the second floor of the villa, and there is still a lawn below. The young master has a hard life, but there is a small problem with his leg bones. It will be fine to raise him for half a year. Since then, the old lady has not dared to let the young master approach the lady. The lady’s life is both sad, pitiful and hateful. She has attacked the young master many times. The young master is innocent and still so young……”

Mother Zhang’s face was distressed, “So don’t look at the young master’s coldness. He was born in a family where his father is not close and his mother is not in love. Even the old lady who treats him well has gone. He is actually very bitter. He only has you. You are the young master’s relative and his lover. In the future, you must get along well with the young master.”

Su Qingyu felt more pity in her heart. She didn’t expect Li Tingchen to have such a family background.

“What’s the situation in the Li family now?”

“After the death of the old lady, the old man was hit very hard. In addition to his old age, he suffered from dementia and has been recuperating abroad. Basically, the family’s affairs are ignored.”

“that……Where is Ting Chen’s father?”

“Back then, he had a very stiff fight with the old man. The old man severed the father-son relationship with him in a rage and expelled him from the Li family. He had already started another business and lived happily with the Baiyue family.”

“He doesn’t like his wife, even his own son doesn’t care about it?””

“Well, in fact, the men of the Li family are all infatuated people. From the old man to the young master, including his Lao Tzu, they all identify one person and never let go for the rest of their lives. Hey, but it’s too cruel for the wife and the young master.”

Mother Zhang told a lot about Li Tingchen’s childhood piecemeal, and Su Qingyu heard it shocking.

These were all blank to her, and even she had a feeling that Li Tingchen had never told her this before.

No one wants to tear their wounds open and expose them to others.

Seeing Su Qingyu’s face heavy, Zhang Ma’s tone gradually became relaxed.

“Madam, don’t take it too seriously. What I said is all about Chen Sesame seeds and rotten millet. After more than 20 years, I have been able to do it. My wife should have put it down a long time ago. I heard that she was recovering well and she took the initiative to ask to see the young master. I think it’s no different from ordinary people.”

“I see.”

Su Qingyu and Zhang Ma chatted for a long time. After all, they had known each other for a while. Su Qingyu decided to purchase some things for Zhang Ma. After the two cleaned up, they took the bodyguards out the door.

President Li’s office.

Li Tingchen looked solemn, looking at the full screen of false reports and angry fans.

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