Even After Death

Chapter: 917

“I must have already known that I just got off the plane back to China.”

“The person who controls public opinion abroad hasn’t been found yet?”

Yan Qing shook his head, “The other party’s ip address is virtual and changes every few seconds. It is a master hacker who has been secretly manipulating it. It should be his handwriting.”

“No, there is another person besides him!”

Li Tingchen affirmed: “His target is me, it’s the Li clan. That person and the instigator splashed sulfuric acid. Behind the murder with a knife is a person. Their target is Susu. This person must be the culprit of the murder hired by Black X.”

There are too many people and goals involved in this matter, and many lines come together to form a mess.

There are also many fish that have been dragged in to hide their eyes and ears. It is not so simple to get rid of them.

“So my wife is in danger at any time.”

“This time, in addition to declaring that Susu is my wife and fulfilling her wish, I just want to lead out this person. Only Susu will do it when he shows up. The more exposed he is, the easier it is to follow the trail. Now it seems that this person is very powerful, and he didn’t even reveal the slightest clue. Now it is certain that this person must not be in City A, but outside the country.”

“Yes, the killer committed suicide at the police station not long ago. As for the person who poured sulfuric acid, he didn’t know what happened.”

“If it doesn’t work out, this person will come again. Has Susu arranged it all?”

“Mr. Li was relieved, and additional manpower was dispatched.”

The assistant knocked on the door, “Mr. Li, all the shareholders are here, waiting for you in the conference room.”

“Let’s go.”

Li Tingchen got up and walked towards the conference room.

The door opened, and there was a person sitting awesomely in his place.

This person looks a bit similar to him, but his temperament is feminine and elegant, and he doesn’t seem to be that aggressive.

He raised his eyes to look at Li Tingchen, showing a provocative smile: “It’s been a long time since I saw you, brother.”

The two are half-brothers, and one occupies the love of his biological father and enjoys the perfect childhood of his parents’ love.

The other person has never been loved by anyone since he was born, but owns 80% of the property of the Li family.

The two were born on the same day in the same month of the same year. They were both premature babies. Li Tingchen was born five minutes earlier than him, but the two had a world of difference.

Li Nanci stayed in the delivery room from start to finish, guarding the birth of the child.

And Li Tingchen had no father’s love before he was born. His name was taken by his grandfather, and his nominal father didn’t even look at him.

Li Ningwei’s name was taken by Li Nan. As the name suggests, he is the only baby of his parents.

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