Even After Death

Chapter: 918

When he was three years old, Li Tingchen also looked forward to his birthday.

Because he heard from his grandfather that his father would come back for his birthday, he was looking forward to it half a month in advance, and he couldn’t sleep even the night before, so he squatted by the door before dawn and waited for his father.

But he waited and waited, from dark to dawn, his father still didn’t come.

The little Li Tingchen wondered if his father had never come back, so he was lost?

Li Tingchen begged the driver’s uncle to pick up his father.

However, when they arrived, Li Tingchen finally saw the person he usually only sees in videos and photos. He is very tall and good-looking.

Is that dad?

But he was holding another little boy about his own age.

He would hold the child when he was about to fall, coax him when he lost his temper, and carry him on his shoulders, saying “Ride a big horse.”

There is an aunt who looks very gentle next to her. They are making trouble and she is laughing.

Soon a lot of children came, holding beautiful gifts in their hands, saying happy birthday to the little boy.

Unconsciously, Li Tingchen also walked over. He just wanted to gently pull his father’s hand to see if it was as rough but warm as his grandfather.

“Who are you?”The little boy questioned him.

Li Nanci also saw Li Tingchen, and was stunned for a moment, until Li Tingchen cautiously called out: “Dad.”

He is full of expectations, does his father think of himself as much as he thinks of him?

However, what he didn’t expect was not love. The handsome man frowned and his voice was cold: “Why are you here?”Did your mother let you come?”

When father and son meet, without love, they are like a different person. Their eyes are full of disgust, as if they are the most annoying thing in the world.

“No, I am, I am……”The little Li Tingchen hurriedly explained.

Li Nanci didn’t bother to say a word of nonsense, “Get out, don’t let me say it a second time.””

Li Tingchen is not a child who likes to cry. As his grandfather said, a man must be brave to protect his family when he grows up.

But he really couldn’t control his emotions at this moment, and tears were spinning in his eyes on the spot.

Is this man really his father?

How could dad treat himself like this?

“This is not where you should come.”He will leave after speaking.

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