Even After Death

Chapter: 938

He has long been clear about Zhang Yuan’s background. He is a gambler, the kind who loses red eyes, and he happens to be a fan of Zhou Dan.

After the accident, he cursed on the Internet and was contacted by someone who gave him a sum of money and asked him to pour sulfuric acid on Su Qingyu.

Zhang Yuan was already in a hurry by the debt collector, thinking that he could avenge his idol and get money. How could there be such a good thing in the world?

He agreed on the spot, but he didn’t expect to cause himself such trouble.

Li Tingchen strode out of the room, the door closed behind him, and soon there was a bitter wailing sound inside.

Li Tingchen wiped the blood from the dagger with a towel, and Chen Ling stood behind him and calmly reported: “I checked it all. They are cash transactions, and the other party is very careful. They specially picked the section of the road that is not monitored. According to Zhang Yuan, the person who gave the money was a man. He was tightly covered and did not show any characteristics, but he was very tall and had a figure similar to mine, not the accent of A city person.”

“Only these?”

“Well, even the other party’s voice has undergone special changes, but he just doesn’t want to show any clues. At present, he can only judge that the person who wants to kill his wife is abroad, but that person has clear eyes.”

Li Tingchen played with the handle of the knife, coldness flashed in his eyes, “It’s a pity that no one was caught in such a big trouble this time. Don’t let your guard down and continue to go to that section of the road to inquire. Maybe there will be other witnesses.”

“Mr. Li, don’t worry, I have already arranged it.”

“You must keep things secret when you go abroad, and don’t let people find out what you are doing.”


Li Tingchen raised his hand and patted Chen Ling on the shoulder, “You have worked hard this time.”

“Mr. Li is polite, they have no evidence, and they can’t torture us to extract confessions. They just cooperate with them to make confessions, but then Yan Xuan seems to blame you for his sister’s affairs. I’m afraid it’s a problem. Why don’t you find a reason to transfer him away?”

“No, I won’t stay abroad in the short term. I don’t usually have any intersection with him. Take care of the aftermath.”


Li Tingchen strode into the dark night, but the person who should check still didn’t have any clues.

Who is going to be against Su Qingyu?

The Li Group fought a beautiful turn-over battle, and its stock price rose rapidly overnight, and its various industries were full of business.

There are customers squatting at the door of supermarket chains before dawn. Jewelry stores, clothing stores, even real estate and online live broadcast rooms used to have only tens of thousands of traffic. Today, the live broadcast rooms are all clamoring for them to be put on the shelves.

The main focus is a wolf shopping.

Especially those cheap-mouthed keyboard players, Su Qingyu was almost disfigured when he learned that he had caused his husband and wife to be like this. Li’s family was almost bankrupt, and passers-by spontaneously went to all places related to Li’s consumption.

The last thing Li Tingchen lacked from childhood was money. Everyone knew that the Li family was very rich, but there was no idea how much it was.

Only Li Tingchen knew that the wealth accumulated from the ancestors of the Li family for generations was something that a hundred Li groups could not keep up with.

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