Even After Death

Chapter: 940

It’s a rare good weather, the sun shines on the earth, and the heavy snow has long since melted.

Su Qingyu’s mood also improved.

With the fragrance of mint, he hugged her from behind, and his mellow voice came from his ears: “What are you thinking?”

“Thinking about my future.”

Li Tingchen was still carrying water vapor on her body, and a few drops of water slipped down her neck.

He leaned lightly in her ear and asked, “Do you have me in your future?””

Su Qingyu was silent, the future in her mind was blank.

She felt like a high-ranking monk in an ancient temple, she had lost her desire for the world, had no love, and had no hatred.

Li Tingchen said to let her study medicine, she said yes.

She doesn’t have a special feeling, whether she studies medicine or business, she can do it.

Li Tingchen was not angry if she didn’t get her answer, and said earnestly with her earlobes: “Susu, I am different from you. In my eyes and heart, the past and the future are you.”

After cleaning up, Li Tingchen put a kiss on her brow and left valiantly.

Su Qingyu hugged him and watched him leave, expressionless, with no waves in his heart.

She didn’t reject Li Tingchen, but she didn’t have much love for him either.

Calculating the time to prepare to leave City A.

There seems to be nothing to miss here.

For the remaining few days, Li Tingchen would go out at dawn every day, but in the evening she would go home on time to have dinner with her.

He will also accompany her to watch a movie after dinner. The flowers on the table are always changed every day, and his ring has never left his hand.

Love for her is written on the corners of her eyes and eyebrows.

The day before leaving, Li Tingchen hugged her and asked, “Susu, do you have anything else you want to do? I won’t come back this time to study abroad.”

Su Qingyu replied simply: “No.”

There was no hesitation or hesitation.

Obviously this was the result he wanted, but Li Tingchen felt a little more uneasy.

He didn’t know why he had such emotions.

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