Even After Death

Chapter: 989

It’s like when an avalanche comes, you have nothing to do with your martial arts.

Seeing his tired expression, the housekeeper hurriedly persuaded him: “Don’t worry too much, old man. The fire on the scene has not been extinguished until now, and there are harmful gases everywhere. Our people have already gone to the young master, and there will be results soon.”

The old man leaned back on the wicker chair and put his hands on his forehead, “If the brat really dies on the spot, how will I explain to his grandmother when I go to the underworld in the future.””

The housekeeper stood aside and looked at the old man’s gray hair. At this moment, there was a sense of sight that the old man was really old.

He sighed: “Young master, auspicious people have their own appearance.”

Su Qingyu returned to her room in a daze, and the moment she closed the door, she slid down against the door.

Li Tingchen’s every move was constantly floating in his mind, he looked at his affectionate eyes, and the hot embrace that embraced him all appeared in front of him one by one.

There seemed to be a sour feeling in her eyes, and the warm liquid fell on her arm.

Su Qingyu raised his hand and touched his cheek. Were they tears?

Her heart hurts so badly, is she so worried about Li Tingchen?

It wasn’t until this moment that she realized that perhaps Li Tingchen was much more important than she thought.

The scariest thing is that she is obviously worried but can’t do anything.

Su Qingyu felt like a trapped beast. She didn’t know what had happened in the past, or where her enemies were.

This state made her really helpless. She was holding her head and her mind was very confused.

Obviously it shouldn’t be like this. Since the other party’s purpose is herself, why should she drag others into the water.

Li Tingchen, where are you?

Su Qingyu made that familiar call over and over again.

It is still in a state that cannot be connected.

What should she do, and what can she do?

Su Qingyu turned on his mobile phone, only to find that there were only a few contacts in it, and now everyone could not be contacted.

It seemed that she had everything, but after thinking about it carefully, Su Qingyu realized that she had nothing.

She had no family and no friends. When Li Tingchen, who had been protecting her, also disappeared from her world, all she had left was this skin.

She didn’t want to cry, but she just couldn’t stop crying.

Is it just an illusion that she hasn’t loved Li Tingchen all the time?In fact, she has long loved Li Tingchen to the bone?

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