Hai Tong Zhan Yin

Chapter: 1251

Mr. Ning said helplessly on the phone: “Now is not the time to be angry. You feel uncomfortable and feel sorry for your daughter. I understand, and I also feel sorry for you. Let’s see how Yunchu is doing first. If the surname Hai is not I am willing to give up the prosecution and make another plan.”

Mrs. Ning suppressed the resentment in her heart and hummed.

“You are busy, I just want to tell you.”

After Mrs. Ning finished speaking, she hung up the phone.

Haitong didn’t know that Ning Yunchu was here, but the two bodyguards who followed her were sitting in front of the bookstore with two stools, and they quickly saw Ning Yunchu.

At the same time, they also received a message from a colleague who was secretly protecting the young lady.

The identity of Ning Yunchu was confirmed.

A bodyguard got up and walked into the bookstore.

Hai Tong, who was working in front of the computer, heard footsteps, looked away from the computer screen, and landed on the bodyguard, asking gently: “What’s wrong?”

“Eldest young mistress, Miss Ning is here.”

Haitong was stunned for a moment, and asked, “Ning Yunchu is here? Where is she?”

“On the way here.”

Thinking that Ning Yunchu couldn’t see her, Haitong immediately got up, walked around the cash register and went out.

“Tongtong, who’s here?”

As soon as Shen Xiaojun saw his friend going out, he closed the half-read book, put it back on the bookshelf, and followed Haitong out.

“Miss Ning, she can’t see.”

Shen Xiaojun was astonished.

Blind man.

“Is it that Miss Ning that you and Xiaofei helped?” Shen Xiaojun remembered and asked.

Haitong hummed as she walked.

When she walked out of the bookstore, she saw a person walking slowly.

The school gate opened, and a car drove out of the school, turned left, and drove in the direction of Ning Yunchu.

The driver saw Ning Yunchu walking in the middle of the road, and honked the car horn. Ning Yunchu hurried to the side, because she couldn’t see, and because she was flustered, she was too hasty to dodge, she fell to the ground, and waited until the car was gone , When she got up, she lost her direction.

Not sure where to go.

Soon, she heard someone trotting over.

Hearing footsteps, it should be a woman.

“Miss Ning.”

She heard a somewhat familiar shout, it seemed to be Haitong’s.

“Miss Ning.”

Hai Tong trotted over, bent down, and stretched out his hand to support Ning Yunchu, “Miss Ning, are you alright?”

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