Hai Tong Zhan Yin

Chapter: 1464

She ran a little farther.

“Thank you, Second Young Master.”

“You don’t need to thank me. I was also entrusted by my sister-in-law. My sister-in-law told me to take you home. If you don’t let me take you home, I will always follow behind and see that you are going home.” .”

Ning Yunchu was extremely grateful to Haitong in his heart.

She always thought that she could protect herself well. After what happened tonight, she had to face a very cruel reality. No matter how smart and powerful she was, being blind was a fatal weakness.

Besides, she is not the chivalrous woman with unique skills in ancient times.

There is a small knife hidden in her body, she can only hurt herself if she can’t hurt others.

That is the worst course of action.

“You, the most important thing is to heal your eyes.”

Zhan Yichen said as he led her along.

With him leading her, she doesn’t have to stumble, but she can’t walk too fast, she can’t keep up.

It’s better to hold her and walk faster, but hold her, he will be tired again…

If I had known earlier, he would have driven here, so I didn’t have to walk that far.

If Hai Tong knew what he was thinking in his heart, he would definitely tell Zhan Yin that his younger brothers, like him back then, were all single based on their strength.

“I think, even in my dreams, I want to heal my eyes. My greatest hope is to find the apprentice of the divine doctor. My aunt went to city A and called me to tell me that the apprentice of the divine doctor had left city A long ago. Now I don’t know where in the world it is.”

Experts come and go without a trace.

Zhan Yichen also knew that the apprentice divine doctor was not in City A.

And he couldn’t ask Sunan to help with the investigation. Sunan said that for the group of senior seniors decades ago, their Su family didn’t dare to investigate, and they were unwilling to investigate.

Can only wait.

The eldest brother told him that Dr. Cheng seemed to have some emotional disputes with the third and fourth young masters of the Jun family, and he also made friends with the eldest grandma of the Jun family. The child picked up by the grandma Jun was Dr. Cheng’s apprentice, and he would give it to Dr. Cheng in the future. When the mantle is passed on.

As long as you pay attention to the news from Jun’s house, you can always wait for the miracle doctor or Dr. Cheng.

In addition to waiting for Dr. Cheng’s mentor and apprentice, Zhan Yichen is also inquiring about ophthalmologists all over the country.

“Don’t worry, he will wait for Dr. Cheng to treat your eyes one day.”

Zhan Yichen comforted her.

“Don’t count on Mr. Miracle Physician. He is an old man. Even if he is found, he may not be willing to see him. I heard that Dr. Cheng is the one who sees him.

From Zhan Yichen’s point of view, it would be great to be able to invite Dr. Cheng to help Ning Yunchu’s eyes, and he dare not expect to be able to invite the old genius doctor.

The eldest brother said that Dr. Cheng is a very powerful woman, with great medical skills and good at using poison. Of course, Dr. Cheng will not use poison to harm people, but she is good at using poison to make people feel awe of her.

He also has a good fist and kick, and once ran thousands of miles with the wife of the young master of the Lan family to save the life of the young master of the Lan family.

Anyway, in Zhan Yichen’s eyes, Dr. Cheng has become a little miracle doctor.

“Second Young Master knows the old genius doctor very well?”

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