Hai Tong Zhan Yin

Chapter: 3663

“If we marry far away, who will support the company? Let’s see if the third and fourth sons have such ability.”

The third and fourth young ladies have also grown up and started to get involved in business matters.

At present, it cannot support a huge family business.

Therefore, Ouyang Ya does not consider marrying far away.

She is marrying in this city, so that she can still manage her family’s company after getting married.

When the younger brother reaches adulthood, the business affairs can be handed over to the younger brother bit by bit.

Ouyang Ting: “…are there any young talents in our city that my sister likes?”

There are quite a lot of wealthy young men from wealthy families in this city, and some of them are quite good, but they are all married and fathers.

If you are younger than them, you will definitely not consider it.

Those whose family conditions are not suitable for their Ouyang family will not be considered.

Although the family business will be returned to the younger brother in the future, the sisters are also wealthy and will develop their own private businesses. However, the conditions are not as good as theirs. They are always worried that the other party is here for money and is not sincere.

When you walk in the business world, what kind of people have you not seen?

Both sisters are very sober and have no love brain.


“You followed my sister just to talk about these things?”

“Hehe, no, that’s right. I just asked my sister what I think about the battle selection. What I said is correct. He is so good-looking. He is the most handsome boy I have ever seen. He also looks well-educated. ”

Ouyang Ya reached out again and tapped her sister’s forehead.

“You also said that fighting Zhan Yuan is not interesting. Look at you. Ever since you saw Zhan Yuan, the topic of conversation between you and my sister has never left Zhan Yuan.”

Ouyang Ting: “…”

“Zhan Yuan is good-looking, and good-looking men are not easy to guard. When we marry, we must first look at his character and then his family. There is no way around it. Even if we don’t dislike a family like ours, Parents will also dislike the other person’s poor family conditions. Rather than being beaten by parents, it is better to find someone of the same level from the beginning. ”

“I got Zhan Yuan’s information and showed it to you. So far, he is quite good. But whether his character is good or not, we need to spend a long time observing to know what his character is like.”

“Also, he is just the chef in my family now. You are the second young lady in front of him. He will not and dare not treat you badly. In this way, we cannot see his true character. Some people can hide it It’s so good that I can hide it for several years without showing it at all.”

Ouyang Ting: “…”

She said that she was far from falling in love with Zhan at first sight and had no thoughts about men and women. The eldest sister probably didn’t listen.

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