Hai Tong Zhan Yin

Chapter: 3696

She is still young.

After giving up the child in her belly and suffering the pain of miscarriage, Ning Siqi couldn’t help cursing Haitong and Ning Yunchu day and night.

She always felt that it was thanks to Haitong’s sister-in-law that she ended up like this.

Especially Haitong.

Her hatred for Haitong is even deeper.

The troubles in the Ning family, the huge changes, and the fact that Ning Yun first came into power were all caused by Haitong’s meddling in other people’s affairs.

Ning Siqi really wished that she had the power to avenge herself.

Haitong is now pregnant and is treated like a national treasure in the Zhan family, so that the child in her belly can grow up healthily.

As for Ning Siqi, she was pregnant for the first time. Not only was she pregnant with the flesh and blood of her beloved man, but she couldn’t give birth even if she wanted to, because Mr. Long wouldn’t allow it.

Same person but different destiny.

The heating in the room made Ning Siqi feel stuffy. She got out of bed and walked to the window to open it.

The door was pushed open, and the person who came in saw her action and quickly stopped her: “Madam, don’t open the window. You are sitting here for confinement. Don’t let the cold wind blow.”

“The sun is shining brightly outside and it’s not cold. The winter in Guancheng is not cold. It’s not like the heavy snowfall in your place.”

“Or turn off the heating. I feel suffocated when the heating is on. The doors and windows are closed and the air doesn’t circulate. It’s very stuffy.”

Ning Siqi opened the window anyway.

It’s cold, only for a few days. Once the cold air passes, the temperature rises. It’s 17 or 18 degrees Celsius during the day, which is really not cold.

On the street, some people still wear short-sleeved clothes. In short, people wear spring, summer, autumn and winter clothes. Walking on the streets of Guancheng, that means they can wear them all year round.

The confinement nanny who is responsible for taking care of the confinement period was specially invited by Mr. Long. She is a temporary worker. She only works for half a month and can leave after being paid.

For the sake of Ning Siqi’s future health, she put the tonic soup on the bedside table, then walked to Ning Siqi’s side and advised: “Madam, you are still young and don’t understand. Confinement is like confinement.” Generally, it’s best to rest in bed, eat well and sleep well, and don’t catch a cold or be exposed to cold wind.”

“You may not think it’s a problem now, but when you get older, problems will arise.”

Ning Siqi said nonchalantly: “Foreign women don’t even sit during confinement. This is not how they live.”

“Who is old and has no problems? How many people can truly die of old age without illness or pain?”

“Look at how big the sun is outside. It’s not cold at all. It’s not the north. It’s snowing in the north. We people in Guancheng can only wear a light coat and we’ll be fine.”

Seeing that Ning Siqi did not listen to the advice, the confinement sister-in-law stopped talking.

She only took care of Ning Siqi for half a month.

Kindly remind her, but if the host doesn’t listen, what can she do?

If there is a physical problem in the future, it will be Ning Siqi’s fault, and the pain will be on Ning Siqi’s body.

“Madam, I made you a cup of soup. You drink it while it’s hot.”

The confinement sister-in-law no longer persuaded Ning Siqi to close the window and asked Ning Siqi to drink the tonic soup.

Ning Siqi asked her what kind of soup it was.

“Chicken soup, I peeled off the skin of the chicken, there is no oil.”

The confinement sister-in-law knew that Ning Siqi didn’t like soup with too much oil.

When preparing chicken soup for Ning Siqi, she always peels off the chicken skin so that there won’t be too much oil.

“I don’t have any oil and I don’t want to drink it. I’ve eaten and slept in the past two days, and they always give me so much tonic soup. I’m afraid that after the confinement, I will become a fat woman.”

Let her drink tonic soup four or five times a day. Although the soup she drinks is different every time, she is tired of drinking it so many times a day.

She feels okay now and wants to go out for a walk.

She didn’t stay at home for long, but Ning Siqi felt like she had been locked up here for a month.

“Auntie, after I had an abortion, did my figure become deformed? Will it be like those women who, after giving birth, their figure is deformed, out of shape, and becomes ugly?”

Ning Siqi suddenly asked her confinement sister-in-law.

She is still young and unmarried, so she cannot become ugly or out of shape.

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