Hai Tong Zhan Yin

Chapter: 3802

Lan Jing didn’t even open her eyes and asked, “Are you hungry or have diarrhea?”

“Maybe he’s hungry. Wife, you can go to sleep. I’ll coax him and I’ll make some milk powder for him to drink. After drinking the milk powder, he can sleep until after nine o’clock.”

Lan Jing hummed, turned over, and fell asleep again.

There was a nanny at home, and the nanny could only hold the little guy when he was asleep. When he was awake, the nanny hugged him and he cried within two minutes.

I can’t smell my mother anymore.

Therefore, Lan Jing took care of the child herself most of the time during the day. Fortunately, when her mother-in-law and sister-in-law helped, the little one cooperated, otherwise she would have died of exhaustion.

My sister-in-law always praises her nephew for knowing how close he is at such a young age, and he doesn’t cry when family members hug him.

The nanny cries when she hugs her.

Even Lan Jing’s mother couldn’t hold him for long before she cried.

Even little older children are picky.

Shang Wuhen put the baby back on the bed and went to make milk powder.

After getting used to breast milk, the baby actually refuses to drink milk powder. However, when he is very hungry, he will eat it if he is fed milk powder.

The phone rang.

Shang Wuhen was very unhappy. Who called him so early in the morning?

Don’t you know he wants to take care of a baby?

Afraid that his wife would be disturbed by the ringing of his mobile phone, Shang Wuhen went to answer the phone first. Seeing that it was the housekeeper, he continued to make milk powder for his son while answering the call.

“What’s wrong?”

“Wow wow——”

The little baby woke up from hunger. He hadn’t eaten yet and was put back on the bed by his father. He immediately opened his mouth and cried.

“Young Master, some old people came here and said they are the people my wife has been looking for. I have never seen them before. I don’t know if they are the people my wife is looking for. They even called her by her name.”

“Young Master, I’m letting them in now. It’s cold outside. They are several hundred years old together. I’m afraid something will happen and we won’t be able to escape responsibility, so I invite them in first.”

Looking for his mother?

The person my mother is looking for?

Shang Wuhen suddenly thought that his mother was looking for the assistant beside his grandmother. Last time Hai Ling sent a message back, saying that the head of the Feng family had traveled far away again, and he might have known the whereabouts of the old assistant.

The news was passed to Hai Ling by Feng Qing.

Hai Ling was worried that the head of the Feng family had dug the hole, and reminded Feng Qing.

However, Su Teng was watching the actions of the Feng family leader.

The people they arranged to go could easily be thrown away by the Feng Family Master. If they frightened the snake, it would be difficult to send more people. Even if they did, it would be useless.

Only the people sent by Su Teng can continue to secretly keep an eye on the whereabouts of Master Feng.

However, no definite news has been received so far. I wonder if the old assistant has really been found?

His mother said that if he were still alive, he would be in his nineties.

The hope is not great, but they can’t give up.

Don’t give up even if you have a little hope.

In the words of his mother, not to mention getting everything back from the Feng family, it was because his grandparents and their family had been harmed so miserably. If he did not avenge them and let his enemies be punished, he would be in vain as the descendants of his grandparents.

“My mother hasn’t gotten up yet?”

“Not yet, the eldest young master is the first to get up now.”

After Shang Wuhen was silent, he said, “You entertain them well first. I’ll prepare the milk powder and feed the baby and then go downstairs.”


After receiving Shang Wuhen’s answer, the housekeeper breathed a sigh of relief.

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