Hai Tong Zhan Yin

Chapter: 3808

Is this my grandmother’s all-around assistant?

“May I ask your surnames for these elderly people?”

“It doesn’t matter what our last name is. No one has asked us our last name for decades. We don’t even remember our last names very well.”

It was the old miracle doctor who spoke.

“Young Master Shang, I am an old doctor. I have been practicing medicine for decades and have been given the title of ‘Miracle Doctor’ by others. Cheng Lingling is my apprentice. Young Master Shang should have heard of my apprentice’s name.”

The old miracle doctor first introduced himself.

At Shang Wuhen’s age, he was definitely not familiar with this old miracle doctor, and had never even heard of his name.

But his apprentice Dr. Cheng, Master Shang must have heard of it.

Cheng Lingling helped the eldest daughter of the Ning family treat her eyes.

“Young Master Shang, we don’t like to beat around the bush. We rescued this big brother decades ago. He was chased by a group of killers at that time. He was injured, poisoned, and in a very embarrassed state. If it weren’t for good luck, he would be killed.” We saved him, but he would have died a long time ago.”

“After my treatment, he slowly got better, but his body still had sequelae. It cost me a lot of good medicine every day to keep him alive today. When we rescued him, he was very defensive of us. , refused to say anything.”

“Yinhu sent people out to inquire for a long time, and then found out that he is the most trusted all-round assistant of the Feng family in Jiangcheng. I won’t go into details about this all-round assistant. I think Young Master Shang already knows the rules of the Feng family.”

“It’s not that he doesn’t want to avenge his family leader, but that he has more than enough energy but not enough.”

“The woman who is sitting in the position of the head of the family now is not only ruthless but also quite capable. She has also done a lot of hard work in order to take the position of the head of the family.”

“At that time, the head of the house and his family were all dead. Her third sister did not have the protection of the eldest sister and died in a so-called accident. Even if my eldest brother goes back to take revenge, it is still a matter of debate whether he can get his revenge. After revenge, the position of the head of the house will be over. For whom to sit?”

“My eldest brother has a stubborn temper. He believes that his daughter should inherit the position of the head of the family. In short, it can only be a person from his lineage. Before finding the two young ladies, he took revenge, but the position of the head of the family was lost. If he gave it to someone else, Big Brother would feel sorry for his family owner.”

“Because we have been persuading and blocking him, and he is not in good health, he really has no chance of winning the revenge alone. He doesn’t have much evidence in his hand, and he is afraid of being bitten by the other party. Therefore, He has been with us for decades.”

The old miracle doctor and the others have long since retired, which means he still often goes out to treat people and teach his apprentices.

Even if they knew about the grudges between wealthy families outside, they would not meddle in their own affairs.

The old assistant was rescued by them. They appreciated the old assistant’s loyalty and regarded him as a good friend.

But if the old assistant wants to avenge the head of the family, they won’t get involved.

As soon as they intervene, they will become enemies of the entire Feng family. It’s not that they are afraid, but they don’t want more innocent people to lose their lives.

And if they intervene, other wealthy families will know that these old guys are still meddling in Jianghu affairs. In order to guard against them, they might attack them in groups, because those wealthy families are also worried that one day, these old guys will meddle in their own affairs. Take care of their family affairs.

In the world a few decades ago, clans were not easy to mess with.

Besides, they clearly said that they would retire from the world and do what they said.

As for their apprentices’ affairs in the world, that has nothing to do with them. They only said that they retired from the world, but they did not say that their apprentices also retired.

For various reasons, they did not want the old assistant to work hard alone.

Yin Hu actually helped to find out the whereabouts of the two daughters of the Feng family master.

It’s just that Mrs. Shang and her sisters were sent to an orphanage in Guancheng, far away from Jiangcheng, and in an era when transportation and communications were underdeveloped, so they couldn’t find them after searching for a long time.

As time goes by, the children grow up and their appearance changes, making it even more difficult for Silver Fox to find people.

Unlike today, with the development of the Internet, transportation, and communications, the apprentices they trained have expanded their small organizations even larger, and their capabilities are much stronger than a few decades ago, so it is much easier to find people.

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