Hai Tong Zhan Yin

Chapter: 3849

The maid invited Mengbao into the house.

She walked a few steps quickly to Mrs. Shang who was sitting on the sofa and said respectfully: “Madam, Miss Mengbao is here. She said she is looking for Mr. Yinhu.”

Yinhu turned his head and waved to his little bunny: “Mengbao, here.”

Mrs. Shang didn’t know that Yinhu called Mengbao over.

When Yinhu greeted Mengbao, she looked over and saw a young girl, who should be one or two years younger than Xiaofei. She was dressed simply, but her temperament was outstanding. She looked a little timid, but from the way she walked over, she felt that she was very confident.

In short, the first impression Mengbao gave Mrs. Shang was a complex contradiction.

Mrs. Shang didn’t know whether Mengbao was Yinhu’s granddaughter or apprentice, and she couldn’t make a wild guess. But no matter whether she was a granddaughter or an apprentice, Mengbao couldn’t be a timid and useless person.

She might pretend to be a pig to eat a tiger.

How could someone taught by these seniors be a timid and cowardly person?

Mengbao came over.

Yinhu introduced everyone in the Shang family to her.

Mengbao greeted Mrs. Shang and others politely.

After she greeted, Yinhu said to Mrs. Shang: “Fengying, this is one of my many apprentices, named Mengbao, 26 years old this year. This child is spoiled by everyone and looks a little naive. She looks a little timid.”

Mrs. Shang nodded and smiled at Mengbao.

Silver Fox did not reveal his apprentice’s surname, so everyone could only call her Mengbao.

Shang Xiaofei always wanted to laugh when she heard Mengbao’s name, but she couldn’t laugh because it would be too rude to laugh.

Fortunately, Mengbao didn’t have a baby face. If she had a baby face, people would really think she was a Mengbao, the kind of Mengbao that a child would be, hearing her name and looking at her face.

Mengbao greeted the old doctor and others again. The old people all looked kind to her. Just by looking at her eyes, Mrs. Shang and others knew that Mengbao was very spoiled.

Mengbao said she was Silver Fox’s apprentice, but in fact, she was also the apprentice of those old people. She learned a lot of things and learned everything.

It’s not just her, the others are similar, who asked a few old guys to get together often, don’t they like to teach the younger ones a thing or two.

Other people’s apprentices are most outstanding in their own master’s skills, but Mengbao is not like that. She learned the same from all the masters. Just looking at her skills, you really can’t tell whose apprentice she is.

Silver Fox always said that his apprentice belongs to everyone.

“Where is the eldest master?”

Mengbao saw that several old guys were there, but the eldest master was not there, that is, Zhongbo in Mrs. Shang’s mouth.

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