Hai Tong Zhan Yin

Chapter: 3918

The old lady smiled and said, “Yangyang is very sensible and well-behaved. Even when he is naughty, he is really naughty.”

“As long as he’s quiet, he’s definitely wreaking havoc.”

Haitong took over, “One time, he was playing by himself, just quietly. I wanted to see what he was playing, but he ended up playing with my skin care products and cosmetics, and smeared lipstick all over the table and floor. All.”

“He even painted it all over his mouth and face, which made me laugh and cry.”

Everyone laughed as they imagined that scene.

Yangyang was embarrassed by everyone’s laughter. He buried his head in Uncle Zhong’s arms and cried softly: “Grandpa, my aunt is laughing at me.”

Uncle Zhong’s heart melted when he called him great grandfather. He immediately protected him and said to Haitong: “Haitong, don’t laugh at Yangyang. Children, aren’t they all like this when they were young? Your mother did the same when she was young. Very skinny.”

“When your mother was a child, she would pour out the good wine collected by the owner of the house, smash the wine bottles to pieces, and she would go around cutting everyone’s clothes with small scissors. She didn’t know how much she damaged everyone’s clothes. Later, the owner of the house told everyone that the scissors must be used It should be placed high so that Miss Hui cannot reach it.”

“Yangyang inherited his grandmother’s naughty spirit.”

Haitong smiled: “That’s the passion for getting into trouble. My mother loved getting into trouble so much when she was a child. In our memories, my mother is a very gentle person and very filial. She has a very good relationship with my father. She is just a filial child. Often they are not their parents’ favorite children.”

Speaking of the latter part, Haitong lost his smile.

When her parents died unexpectedly, she was already ten years old, sensible and had memories.

I just remember that my grandparents were unfair to their parents and often bullied them. They also disliked their mother for giving birth to only two daughters. They said that they would cut off the relationship between their three sons and asked her mother to secretly give birth to another son. At that time, the family planning policy was strict.

My parents gave birth to two daughters, but according to the policy, they cannot have another daughter.

If you want to have another baby, you have to do it secretly. When you are pregnant, you have to hide in hiding. They are afraid that the family planning people will find out and drag people to your door to have an abortion.

Otherwise, all the things in the house would be emptied. Anyway, family planning was very strict at that time.

Her parents had a rural registered permanent residence and were allowed to have a second child only after they had a daughter.

If the second child is a daughter, she cannot have another child.

Haitong didn’t know whether her mother had been sterilized, but she knew that her parents had said that they would not have three more children. They said that if a son was born, everyone would love his son and it would be unfair to the two daughters.

Therefore, the parents insist not to pursue having sons. They think that two daughters are quite good. As long as they are raised well, both children will be the same.

Now let’s look at this practical issue.

In rural areas, the current situation of many people is that those who have sons at home are still working hard to buy a house for their son, marry a wife, and help take care of and raise grandchildren. After having a son, he still has to raise a grandson.

If there are no sons in the family, they all belong to daughters. People always say behind their backs that they have cut off the incense and so on, saying that there are no boys in the family.

But in a family with only daughters, life becomes much easier when the parents get older. If the daughter and son-in-law are filial, they will be happier in their later years.

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