Hai Tong Zhan Yin

Chapter: 3944

When I got divorced, I was still a fat man weighing 200 pounds.

Although she successfully lost weight and regained her appearance, she still attracted people’s jealousy.

Many unmarried girls cannot marry into a wealthy family and become a young mistress, but Hai Ling, a divorced woman, can enter a wealthy family.

Makes people envious and jealous.

Ning Siqi always felt that Hai Ling had planned the game early and lured Lu Dongming into the game.

When she saw her younger sister marrying into a wealthy family, she envied the life of the eldest young lady, so she took aim at Lu Dongming.

Because Lu Dongming was Zhan Yin’s best friend, Hai Ling, as Zhan Yin’s aunt, was able to see Lu Dongming often. I don’t know what method Hai Ling used to win away Lu Dongming’s heart and make him marry her.

Mrs. Lu originally disagreed, but I heard that the daughter-in-law in Mrs. Lu’s mind was a rich young lady named Yu Yinyin.

Lu Dongming had met Yu Yinyin before.

Miss Yu also pursued Lu Dongming for a while, but lost to Hai Ling, a divorced woman.

In order to be with Hai Ling, Lu Dongming even got into a car accident.

As soon as he got into a car accident, Mrs. Lu and his wife surrendered and acquiesced in his affair with Hai Ling.

It’s really annoying.

After Ning Siqi was released from prison, she felt so jealous when she heard these gossips.

Before her parents had an accident, her mother had always wanted to arrange for her to marry into the Zhan family and become a young mistress. She said that the Zhan family was the real wealthy family, and the little wealth of their Ning family was simply not worth mentioning in front of the Zhan family.

Mother has been working for so long but has not been successful. She has not left any impression on the young masters of the Zhan family.

Instead, Ning Yunchu, a blind man, found favor with the second young master Zhan and married into the Zhan family as the second young master.


Ning Siqi asked the sky more than once.

Why can’t she always get what she wants, but others can easily get everything she wants?

Mr. Long could hear the jealousy in Ning Siqi’s words, and he said, “I can’t even envy you if you have that kind of fate.”

Ning Siqi: “…”

Does it mean that she no longer has that life, and her only life is to be Mr. Long’s mistress?

“I’ll send someone to find out which big guys went to Wancheng.”

Mr. Long said.

“By the way, the kindergarten will be out for summer vacation soon. Keep an eye on the whereabouts of Haitong and nephew to see if they will leave Guancheng and where will they go after leaving Guancheng?”

Mr. Long’s purpose is to contact Ye Junbo’s adopted son through Yangyang and confirm whether that child is the one he wants to silence?

“This is difficult. Haitong is always followed by bodyguards. Zhan Yin has a powerful information network. He also has the Su family supporting him. How can I follow Haitong unknowingly with my little skills? ”

Ning Siqi couldn’t do this.

After Mr. Long was silent, he said, “Okay, I’ll let people keep an eye on me.”

Ning Siqi really doesn’t have this ability.

Even his people have to be very careful before they can get any information.

On other people’s territory, no matter how powerful he is, he can’t defeat a few local snakes in Guancheng.

“Mr. Long, I have a suggestion. I wonder if I can mention it.”

Ning Siqi wanted to propose to Mr. Long that he create a fake Ning Siqi.

“I have contacted Haitong so many times as Mrs. Long, but there has been no progress at all. She and Ning Yunchu still suspect that I am Ning Siqi.”

“I don’t think I can become Haitong’s friend even if I play Mrs. Long for a year and a half.”

“Unless her suspicion can be dispelled. Can Mr. Long get some human skin masks that look like me, and then find a woman whose body shape and voice are similar to mine, pretend to be me, and then cooperate with me? Appeared in front of Haitong and Ning Yunchu.”

“In this way, they will give up their doubts, and I, Mrs. Long, can gradually gain Haitong’s trust and become her friend.”

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