Hai Tong Zhan Yin

Chapter: 4019

“The head of the family.”

The bodyguards quickly followed the footsteps of the Feng family leader.

Ah Qi followed with a person, not to see them off, but to monitor, to monitor whether the Feng family leader and his party were leaving honestly.

I will not turn back midway or do anything in the company.

Hai Ling picked up his cup of coffee that he had not yet drank, took two sips, and said to Shang Wuhen, “I have to learn from my cousin.”

She still doesn’t have Shang Wuhen’s determination.

Shang Wuhen said gently: “Take your time. The more you experience, the more mature and calm you will be. When my cousin first entered society, he was still a young boy. He was easily angered and had fallen into other people’s traps.”

“Once you suffer a loss, you gain a new memory. In life, you have to go through a lot of ups and downs, and you have to go through many ups and downs.”

Hai Ling said: “When I first entered the society, I was a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle, and the struggle in the workplace was also fierce. The water was very deep. No matter what kind of water poured on me, I would avoid it if I could, and endure it if I couldn’t avoid it. ”

“I was afraid of losing my job. At that time, all the money we had was spent, and we still had to support Tongtong’s education. If I had no source of income, the lives of the two sisters would be problematic. How could I dare to be like others? If you don’t want to do it, just don’t do it.”

“I have to keep working no matter how hard or tired I am. After I gain experience, I will change companies and slowly climb up. As my income increases, my life will become much easier.”

Shang Wuhen admired Hai Ling. She never gave up cultivating her sister no matter how difficult it was for them.

Haitong is good at music, chess, poetry and painting, and has also learned boxing, kicking, knitting and other skills, all of which are inseparable from her sister’s support.

Without Hai Ling, Hai Tong would not be what it is today.

Therefore, the relationship between the two sisters is so enviable.

After Haitong became an adult, he also tried his best to repay his sister.

She got married in a flash marriage to preserve Hai Ling’s marriage and didn’t want to make it difficult for Hai Ling to be a good person.

“Hai Ling, it’s over now. Your life with Tongtong will get better and better in the future.”

Shang Wuhen said, “My mother has been looking for my aunt and you. It’s just that God likes to play tricks on people. It took so long for my mother to find you. She didn’t even see the last of her only sister.”

“My mother cried for a long time when she learned that the sister she had been searching for for decades had been dead for more than ten years.”

“In my memory, my mother is a very strong and strong person. She often said that crying can’t solve the problem, so she won’t cry.”

“This was the first time I saw my mother cry, and she cried so sadly and heartbreakingly that we couldn’t stop her no matter how hard we tried to persuade her.”

They were all born with a silver spoon in their mouths. They were surrounded by their parents and family since childhood, and their brothers and sisters had a deep love for each other. They could not experience the pain of being torn apart by their mothers.

The sister whom the mother had been searching for for decades turned out to have passed away long ago. She could no longer see her only sister, so the mother’s love was transferred to her two nieces.

When they first met the Hai Ling sisters, their mother’s love for the Hai Ling sisters meant that all three of them had to step aside.

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