Hai Tong Zhan Yin

Chapter: 4045

“Appreciation is the beginning of liking.”

Tang Junye encouraged his youngest son, “Be good to her, make delicious food for her, and make her stomach ripe first. Gradually, she will be unable to leave you, and you will succeed in chasing your wife.”

“I don’t know how your grandma could choose such a naughty girl for you.”

“I feel like the wives your grandma has chosen for you are all foodies. Maybe she is a foodie and is a foodie, so the ones she picked for you are all foodies.”

Tang Junye said quite helplessly.

Haitong, Yun Chu, and Qiao Han are all foodies. The fourth child gave up on the old lady’s choice because he gave up. It’s not yet known whether the girl he likes will be a foodie.

What if all nine brothers married wives who were foodies?

When we get together during the holidays, it’s a world of delicious food.

Tang Junye couldn’t help but laugh just thinking about the scene of a few foodies gathering together.

Foodies who love to eat will also make delicious food.

Even Ning Yunchu couldn’t cook because she couldn’t see before, but now that she can see, her second brother was reluctant to let her cook, so she just ate.

Zhan Yuan said with a smile: “There’s nothing wrong with being a foodie. Like Ouyang Ya, if she hadn’t been too picky, I wouldn’t have been able to make progress. Mom, I cooked for her. At the beginning, she could give me all the dishes every day. Pick out the issues.”

“She suggested that I make corrections. She could even find problems with the rice I cooked.”

“While she was working, I took the time to practice cooking and corrected the problems she raised. Today, she had lunch and she didn’t even point out the problem. She even praised me for making the food taste even better after I corrected it.”

When it comes to cooking, Zhan Yuan talks non-stop.

Ouyang Ya’s recognition of his cooking skills made him very happy.

He is even happier than ordinary people winning a five million jackpot.

He felt that Ouyang Ya was picky and clever, and would find faults so that he could correct them and improve her cooking skills.

Tang Junye listened patiently to Zhan Yuan’s words.

Even if he kept talking over and over again, Tang Junye was still very patient.

Finally, after Zhan Yuan finished speaking, Tang Junye asked him, “Is Ouyang Ya easy to get along with?”

Apart from being naughty, Tang Junye had no impression of Ouyang Ya, his future daughter-in-law.

“I think it’s okay, but she’s quite serious a lot of the time. It’s normal for her to be serious when she’s sitting in that position, just like my eldest brother. My eldest brother is also very serious in front of outsiders. He used to be serious in front of us. It’s so scary.”

“After having my sister-in-law, my eldest brother’s temper has changed a lot. Although he is serious now, at least he has a gentle side.”

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