Heir to the Divine in a Strange Realm

Chapter: 2208

The empty world breaks.

The young alchemist’s soul consciousness was severely damaged, and countless crystal facets appeared in his sight again, reflecting countless ‘Li Jingsheng’s’ looking at him and surrounding him.

Be bold!



Countless ‘selves’ issued silent admonitions to him.

They are getting closer and closer, trying to engulf the young alchemist, condemning him for daring to desecrate the high throne.

In the end, countless selves completely swamped the young alchemist. He didn’t know which crystal he fell into, and became one of the ‘selfs’ he had seen trapped in the crystal before.

Maybe he was never special? He was originally in the crystal, and what he saw before was also through the crystal. Is the ‘self’ in other crystals just like him, thinking that he is unique and outside the crystal cage?

The ā€˜Iā€™ in each crystal mirror thinks that I am the real one, and everything else is just a reflection in the mirror.



How could I be a reflection who can think like this?

The young alchemist’s soul consciousness resurrected and he rekindled himself.

I can’t be a mirror image, I must be the only reality!

He stared blankly at ‘Li Jingsheng’ across from him. The two were so close that their noses were almost touching, with only a thin crystal mirror separating them.

The same expressionless ‘Li Jingsheng’ appeared above, below, left and right.

The young alchemist walked forward regardless of everything, not knowing whether to step out of the crystal mirror or into the crystal mirror.


A glimmer of light suddenly flashed through the dark consciousness.

Li Jingsheng opened his eyes suddenly.

This is a spacious cave stone room, and he is sitting on a chair.

There was only movement on his side, and a familiar voice sounded outside, “Master Li, are you awake?”

Li Jingsheng sat up with his back straight and looked outside, “Come in.”

It was Lu Fu who walked in.

Lu Fu saluted him respectfully.

Li Jingsheng asked coldly: “Where is this?”

Lu Fu lowered her head and said, “Go back to Master Li, this is a cave in the inner garden.”

“Why am I here?” Li Jingsheng said.

Lu Fu: “Master Li went to the inner garden to collect materials a few days ago. He happened to encounter the annual confusion in the inner garden and fell into a coma. He was discovered by the inner garden guards in time and rescued, and was sent here to recuperate.”

Li Jingsheng’s face turned dark, “Why are you here?”

Lu Fu paused, her head lowered, her forehead covering her eyebrows. No one could see the complexity and fear in her eyes.

“The disciples were ordered to be recruited into the inner garden.”

Her tone was calm, but a little dry.

Li Jingsheng keenly noticed something unusual and asked, “You don’t want to be recruited into the inner garden?”

Lu Fu was shocked and immediately explained: “Non-elite disciples are not allowed to enter the inner garden. There are many senior brothers and sisters who are better than me in Fangcao Pavilion but they were not selected to enter the inner garden. However, I got this qualification. It is really a surprise. I am afraid that De Not worthy.”

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