Heir to the Divine in a Strange Realm

Chapter: 2250

Even if the strange creatures themselves were not humanoid, as the sleepwalking realm continued to mature, they discovered more and more mysteries, and found that they could use other methods to change their form.

Some people chose to change, and some did not.

Most of the former chose a form that was more convenient for them to move. Even if it was not a completely humanoid form, they would definitely have normal limbs.

There are some peculiar loners who choose to move in different shapes like the legless and armless, soft and slimy swamp monster that is now rushing forward, and they are quite amused to do things that monsters would not do. For example, the twisting posture of this swamp monster is too jumpy and coquettish, which makes people feel sick and a little funny. In short, it is a challenge to their senses as human beings.


A scream interrupted the whispers of these dreamers.

They looked forward and fell into silence.

The swamp monster was fixed in a twisted and coquettish shaking posture with most of its body bent upward from the ground.

It can be seen that it can’t move, but it is impossible to say how dangerous it is.

The [Long Tongue] responsible for speaking on their behalf in the sleepwalking realm is not in tune with their minds. Generally, they need their soul consciousness to control what they say, which means that the series of screams just now were controlled by the soul consciousness of the contract master behind this swamp monster.

At this time, it can still deliberately control the scream. It is easy to understand that it is not in real danger and is in the mood to play such a prank.

After knowing that the swamp ghost is not in serious trouble, the other dreamers began to make fun of it, pointing at its body posture and commenting on it, which made the swamp ghost angry and embarrassed. It was laughed at again. Since it is not good at shamelessness, it should not play such a prank.

Until the disappeared Heart Language Ghost and Shadow Ghost Dream Guide reappeared.

Heart Language Ghost glanced at the embarrassed swamp ghost and opened his mouth to hear the dry goods that everyone wanted to hear.

“This dream guide can guide, help students, and buy the way of law.”

As soon as these words came out, they immediately attracted a few cheers.

“This time is finally our chance for the way of law!”

The happiest people present were naturally those who majored in the way of law.

“What’s wrong with it?” The bone ghost pointed at the still fixed swamp ghost.

The Heart-speaking Ghost said, “Only one ghost can be guided at a time, and it was punished for acting on its own.”

The Bone Ghost gloated, “It seems that this punishment is useless even if the fine is paid.”

Almost all the little guys in the Night Walkers belong to His Highness’s team. They are rich, which makes these veteran Night Walkers jealous. Although they are not jealous, it is very pleasant to see them in trouble and embarrassment occasionally.

Sure enough, not only the Bone Ghost was laughing, but the other ghosts also laughed.

However, they couldn’t laugh for a while.

Because the Swamp Ghost suddenly jumped and was able to move. In a blink of an eye, it rushed to the front of the Shadow Ghost Dream Guide, and then disappeared like the Heart-speaking Ghost before.

“Hehe, let you laugh, the next one is me!”

A hateful word was uttered by [Long Tongue], causing the contract master behind the group of ghosts to regret and resent, but he couldn’t catch the culprit.

“Good fellow, maybe the previous impulse and anger were all fake, young but scheming.”

Due to the rule that the new dream guide only guides one person at a time, the dreamers around here gradually left after their curiosity faded, not wasting time on long waiting, cherishing every time they entered the sleepwalking realm.

One day later, another dreamer came here.

In the situation where everyone was wearing the skin of a weirdo and could not tell their real identity in reality, this humanoid [Silent] weirdo had its own style when moving.

It controlled the time very well and soon came into contact with the new dream guide.

About a few minutes later, it reappeared, and it was the turn of the next dreamer who was imprisoned in front in advance.

The Silent Weird walked out of this area and then left the sleepwalking realm.

At the same time, in a dormitory of a student in the Night Tour Academy, Shu Pingsheng, who was sitting cross-legged, opened his eyes, and a terrifying brilliance flashed through him, and then he restrained himself and remained indifferent.

He reached into the netherworld and took out something.

Dharma seeds.

Dharma seeds are not rare in Lingzhou, but once anything related to spiritual masters exceeds the initial level, its value and rarity will be very different.

Moreover, the Dharma seed in his hand is a high-level nine-star one!

Shu Pingsheng sighed in a low voice, “Qi He Zheng.”

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