Marrying into Her Family

Chapter: 597

In Zhaojia County, in a courtyard on the edge of the county seat, a middle-aged man in his 50s sits under an old tree in the courtyard and makes a cup of hot tea.
The teacup slowly rises into mist.
The middle-aged man picked up his teacup and slowly said, “Come out, your Excellency approached here quietly. I don’t think I’m weak.”
“Hey, Patriarch Zhao is indeed well-deserved.” A sweet laugh sounded in the ears of the middle-aged man, but the owner of the sweet laugh did not show up.
The middle-aged man blew lightly into the teacup, then took a sip, and said, “Your Excellency should not have come to our Zhao family as a guest.”
“Patriarch Zhao, I’m here to make friends with the Zhao family.”
“Such sneaky is not the way to make friends.” The middle-aged man put down his teacup.
“Patriarch Zhao, I brought a gift. You say that, but it makes me very sad!”
A cold light suddenly shot towards the middle-aged man from outside the courtyard wall. The middle-aged man chuckled and shook his body slightly before evading the cold light. It was a short dagger.
“Patriarch Zhao, I will leave the gift. Enjoy it. Warm reminder, someone has already arrived.” The voice outside the courtyard gradually drifted away.
The middle-aged man’s gaze was focused on his feet. At this moment, under his feet, there was a package. He couldn’t even see how the package appeared. He just dodged the dagger. In an instant, he was put here.
The middle-aged man took a breath, and if he said that the other party didn’t just come to deliver the package, but wanted his own life, what would be the result?
The middle-aged man picked up the package and opened it slowly. When the package was opened, his pupils suddenly shrank. What was in the package was a head, a completely bloody head, and even the facial muscles had collapsed. , But the middle-aged man recognized the owner of this head at a glance.
This is an outside member of the Zhao clan. Some time ago when he was in the Hui clan, he had also seen it. The other party said that he had prepared the elixir of Dendrobium candidum, and hoped to return to the clan, but now he was killed!
“Who is it!” The middle-aged man squeezed his fist tightly. No matter whether he was an outsider or not, he was from the Zhao family. Who would dare to kill, the Zhao family!
Although the clan does not show up, the arrogance in their hearts is stronger than everyone. Now that some people in the clan are killed, how can they not be angry!
The middle-aged man also noticed that there was a DVD inside the package. He picked up the DVD, and the moment he opened the DVD, a video was played on the screen.
“Since you know that I am a member of the Zhao clan, what do you think, do you want to go to war with our Zhao clan?”
“What about the Zhao clan? Sooner or later, I’m going to bury the Longxi Li family. You Zhao, just bury it in advance, do it!”
The scene in the video is exactly the scene that happened in Yinzhou Industrial Park that day.
The middle-aged man stared fiercely at the young figure in the video, crushed the dv in his hand, and yelled, “Destroy my Zhao family? Don’t be ashamed!”
The middle-aged man thought of the female voice just now. The other party said that someone has already arrived. Could it be the person in the video?
“Come here!” The middle-aged man yelled as he sat in the courtyard, “A thief has entered the house, go and catch the thief!”
At the same time, Zhang Xuan and three people walked out of the building.
“Boss, what do you do next?” Bai Chi asked next to Zhang Xuan.
Bai Chi is very assertive when performing tasks alone, but when he is with Zhang Xuan, he will take Zhang Xuan as the leading factor. This is also a common problem of the other great kings of Guangming Island, and they are all habitual. Follow Zhang Xuan’s instructions.
“Find a place to fill your stomach, and then try to get in touch with a few people from the Zhao family. I have to see what the Zhao family is like.” Zhang Xuan said, and he remembered those people in Lijiacun before. Overbearing to the extreme.
The three of them found a breakfast shop that looked pretty good, and Ping Tianhao walked in front with a wink, and opened the door of the breakfast shop.
When Zhang Xuan was about to enter the door, two people walked out facing each other, a man and a woman, both of them looked only 22 and 3 years old.
The man among them walked out following the door opened by Ping Tianhao. Zhang Xuan was already standing at the door at this time. The young man gave Zhang Xuan an impatience and said, “Go away, the dog won’t get in the way. ”
This push of the young man naturally couldn’t push Zhang Xuan, but he took two steps back.
“You or him!” A touch of embarrassment appeared on the young man’s face, and he opened his mouth to curse, then raised his hand to hit Zhang Xuan’s face.
Ping Tianhao directly stepped forward, grabbed the young man’s wrist, and stared at the young man coldly.
The young man used his hand hard and made a few strokes, but he didn’t get away from Ping Tianhao’s hand, and he cursed: “Four eyes, what are you or him? Get out of me! Open your dog eyes, I’m the Zhao family. People!”
“Zhao Family?” Ping Tianhao had disdain in his eyes. In his eyes, there was only one king in the world.
Zhang Xuan’s eyes moved, Chongping Tianhao shook his head, “Let go.”
Ping Tianhao relaxed his hands, and the young man pulled out his arm.
“Sorry, I didn’t notice that it was the young master of the Zhao family, you first.” Zhang Xuan smiled and gave way to the youth.
The young man saw Zhang Xuan admitting counseling with a satisfied smile on his face. He stretched out his hand and patted Ping Tianhao’s face insultingly. Messed up!”
The youth finished speaking, and walked out the door with her head held high. The woman beside her also followed the youth proudly and walked out of the breakfast shop.
After the man and woman left, Zhang Xuan rushed to Tianhao and said, “Find someone to investigate his identity.”
“Understand.” Ping Tianhao nodded.
The breakfast is not over yet, and the identity of the young man just now has been investigated.
“Son of the owner of Saxu Entertainment City? Just the video game city we just passed by?” Zhang Xuan recalled. Just when he was looking at the county town, he also saw the Saxu Entertainment City. Game hall.
“Yes.” Ping Tianhao nodded, “The young man’s name is Zhao Sui, but a very ordinary member of the Zhao family, he has a younger brother, but he died a few days ago.”
Ping Tianhao’s words brought a lot of information to Zhang Xuan. An ordinary member of the Zhao family, in this county town, was so arrogant and blunt that he was the Zhao family. It seemed that the power of the Zhao family in this county was terrifying. what.
Even from the first-class government to private enterprises, in this city, the Zhao family can’t be overstated.
Looking at the performance of the young man just now, it is obvious that the arrogance is not a day or two.
“My lord, why didn’t you just go straight?” Ping Tianhao made a gesture of raising the knife with his hand.

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