My Accidental Husband is a Billionaire

Chapter: 1369

But the other party walked away while talking to the secretary, obviously not seeing them.

Xu Nange didn’t think much about it, and retracted his gaze.

But at the moment she retracted her gaze, she suddenly caught a glimpse of a familiar doctor!

Is that… Xu Musheng?!

Xu Nange’s pupils shrank, and when he wanted to chase after him, he saw that the doctor had already turned a corner.

She immediately trotted two steps, but just ran to where he was, only to find that the person was gone.

Xu Nange frowned.

Xu Musheng is something special to her.

When I was in Haicheng, when I imported iron every month, Xu Musheng came to remind her of the time, and she was regarded as her personal doctor.

Xu Nange pursed her lips, thinking of the past of the two of them.

In fact, she and Xu Musheng didn’t know each other at first.

When she moved out of Xu’s house, she was as thin as wood, and her health was not good. She was often sick. Xu Musheng was a doctor in a small clinic on the other side of the room she rented.

When Xu Nange came to the water for the first time in her life, she didn’t know that she had iron deficiency anemia, so she fainted directly outside.

When she woke up again, Xu Musheng was taking care of her and told her: “One day in advance of every month, you have to come to hang water for infusion, otherwise you will be anemic and faint. If you can’t be found in time, it may also cause shock and death, remember?”

At that time, Xu Nange looked confused, but just nodded.

But she still noticed a trace of mystery from Xu Musheng’s body.

This man seems to have something to do with her……

He has secrets.

It’s just that Xu Musheng has always been deeply thoughtful, and Xu Nange subconsciously alienated him.

The relationship between the two is said to be close, because at that time she had no money to pay for the water hanging, Xu Musheng said: “Speaking of which, I am also your brother, so I will give you free treatment in the future.”

But Xu Nange didn’t know him at all, let alone what he was doing.

At that time, after his death, he returned to Haicheng as a Namgyal and tried to find him, but found that he was no longer in Haicheng.

I didn’t think much about it at that time, but how could he show up in Kyoto?

While Xu Nange was thinking, Huo Beiyan coughed softly, allowing Xu Nange to recover.

Xu Nange then looked at Zhao Xuan and Zhao Nian, who were still waiting for them, and his gaze fell on Zhao Nian: “Nian Nian, can you show me the jade pendant that you asked me to get back from Zhao Ji before?””

One reply on “Chapter: 1369”

Is Xu Musheng the kind uncle who saved Xu Nange from sea accident last time? The mysterious one who put Nangege phone on her and the one who give her iron IV. Hopefully he managed to save both girls Xu Nange and Nangege. Probably he swaps them to save both girls because maybe Nangege condition is critical. As doctor he might easily accessed hospital morgue to get dead body to release to the sea after he saved both girls. As Xu Nange’s personal doctor/ godbrother; he must be the one who entrusted to handle the deceased body. He can change the DNA sample and get from real Nangege so enemies will think she died. That’s why when Huo family and Ji Ming test the DNA result positive. Anyway, just hoping that the real Nangege still alive as well. Maybe she is just in critical condition or if she was kidnapped together with her mother Nanjingshu; hopefully they both can be saved if everyone team up and cooperate between Xu, Huo and Chen.

There is possibility this Xu Mushen is actually a Nan? But maybe a good Nan? or probably all of Nan family are actually good and may in fact are Royal descendants but they are facing formidable enemies like Nobles from country Y?

Wishing everyone can live happily in the end.

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