My Accidental Husband is a Billionaire

Chapter: 1579

Seeing him like this, Qiao Nan was immediately furious: “You are really a young master who has never touched a woman since childhood. I am here to make money! Make money! Your girlfriend’s dress costs 130,000 yuan. How can I pay it back if I don’t make money?”

After saying this, Qiao Nan stood on the ladder and looked at him: “By the way, can I discuss something with you? I will pay back the money in installments. After the salary is paid every month, I will give Miss Su 25,000 yuan, and the remaining 5,000 yuan will be used for living expenses…”

Xu Chipin was very surprised: “You don’t even have 130,000 yuan in savings?”

As far as he can remember, his parents gave him a bank card with the New Year’s money he received in previous years, about tens of millions.

So 130,000 yuan to him is like 13 yuan to ordinary people. He really has no concept of it.

Qiao Nan got even angrier when he saw him say that.

She sneered: “I only have 5,000 yuan! I have spent all my monthly salary! Master, are you satisfied with this? How can poor people like us save 130,000 yuan! Do you know what 130,000 yuan means to ordinary people? It is their family’s annual income!”

Xu Chipin: “…”

Qiao Nan saw his stupid face and suddenly felt that she might have misunderstood him.

He asked Su Shanshan to apologize to him because he felt that Su Shanshan was wrong to hit her. Maybe in his eyes, asking him to pay money was a fair act.

Qiao Nan was really amused and helpless about him for a while.

She simply turned around and prepared to continue working. At this moment, Xu Chipin turned around and left.

Qiao Nan: “…”

Such people will never understand the suffering of the lower class people like them.

Qiao Nan sighed and continued to work seriously.

When Xu Nange went out, she saw this situation. She paused slightly, then called the housekeeper over and whispered something.

She also heard about what happened today.

The reason why Susan Su taught Qiao Nan a lesson at home was because she was angry with her?

Qiao Nan was in trouble.

Xu Nange felt a little guilty about her, so she asked the housekeeper to transfer 130,000 yuan to Qiao Nan to make up for it.

She came from the bottom, so she certainly understood Qiao Nan’s embarrassment at the moment.

The housekeeper nodded and said to her, “Miss, you are really kind and kind.”

Xu Nange said, “Uncle Xu, you are the elder, just call me by my name in the future.”

The housekeeper was also from the side branch of the Xu family, and she felt uncomfortable being called Miss all the time.

The housekeeper smiled and said, “Okay, then I’ll drag it out. Miss Nange, I don’t know how happy I am that you can come back! When I knew you existed, I asked someone to clean up your room. By the way, there is a surprise in the drawer on the first floor of the study in your room.”

Xu Nange was slightly stunned, and immediately returned to the room. When she opened the drawer on the study side, she saw a photo frame.

She recognized Nan Jingshu at a glance.

This is what Nan Jingshu looked like when he was 20 years old. She and Nan Jingshu look 50% similar. They used to live together and didn’t notice it because they were used to seeing each other. But at this moment, Xu Nange realized that she and her mother were so similar. No wonder people always recognized her when she was still an illegitimate daughter.

Xu Nange then looked at the middle-aged woman next to her mother. That should be her grandmother Nan Zhiwei. She looked very similar to her mother in her 40s. She was very gentle, but not very similar to her.

Xu Nange touched her face. She looked 50% like her mother, and the other 50% was said to be similar to her grandmother. So it was reasonable that she had no similarities with her grandmother.

She stared at the photo and was fascinated.

Mom said that a fire killed her grandmother and burned down their home in Kyoto, resulting in nothing left of her grandmother. She didn’t expect that Mr. Xu San would take in a photo of them…

… Wait, something is wrong.

A fire? !

The Nan family villa was also a fire!

Xu Nange raised her head suddenly, with deep thoughts in her eyes.

Why were they all fires?

If the fire in Nange’s villa was set by a fox, then who set the fire in grandma’s house?

Xu Nange frowned, she felt like she understood something… something was spinning wildly in her mind.

When all impossibilities are abandoned, the truth may be right in front of you!

Xu Nange’s eyes suddenly lit up, and she suddenly figured it out!

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