My Accidental Husband is a Billionaire

Chapter: 1599

Xu Nange: “…”

What kind of choice is this!

She said directly: “Mr. Situ, I think there can be a win-win solution.”

“I don’t need it.”

Mr. Situ looked at her steadily: “For me, only marriage and giving birth to a child as soon as possible are the most reliable ways… The rest… No matter what kind of profit you can bring to me, I don’t care.”

His expression became somewhat meaningful: “Our Situ family is not short of money.”

Xu Nange tightened her chin.

She checked the news of the Situ family abroad. It seems that they are the dukes of a small country. Their family is indeed not short of money.

Xu Nange frowned.

Mr. Situ asked again: “So, do you choose love or career?”

Xu Nange clenched his fists tightly and didn’t speak for a while.

Huo Beiyan next to him tightened his chin at this moment, and his whole heart was full of uncertainty. He felt very insecure.

He saw how much Xu Nange cared about Nan Jingshu.

Not to mention that after they met, she was a mama’s girl, and everything was fine with her mother. Before they met, she would tolerate Nan Jingshu in every possible way.

The Xu family bullied her so much, especially Xu Yin who repeatedly challenged her bottom line, but she was obviously capable, but she never punished them harshly. Wasn’t it because of Nan Jingshu?

Huo Beiyan didn’t dare to gamble.

Bet on who has a higher status in her heart, himself or Nan Jingshu… Even he knew that he and Nan Jingshu couldn’t compare at all…

Nan Jingshu was Xu Nan Ge’s salvation, and the mother she had been looking forward to since she was a child…

So, if Xu Nan Ge chose to give up on him in order to save Nan Jingshu, then he wouldn’t complain, wouldn’t be angry, and then bless her… right?

He wasn’t sure.

Huo Beiyan felt like he was going crazy when he thought about losing her again.

He clenched his fists tightly.

Xu Nan Ge also glanced at him, but her eyes were firm. She had never thought about giving up Huo Beiyan.

Just as she was about to speak, her phone suddenly vibrated.

Xu Nange picked it up immediately and saw another message from the strange number: “If you don’t want your mother to die, choose Situ Chen.”

As this sentence fell, the other party sent a video at the same time.

In the video, Nan Jingshu was tied up, with a rag stuffed in her mouth, unable to speak, and next to her, someone took a knife and put it against Nan Jingshu’s heart.

Seeing this, Xu Nange’s pupils shrank!

10 replies on “Chapter: 1599”

Please Xu San Ye please save Nan Jing Shu .. because if not how’d he win her heart? Shouldn’t they get married now they have child Xu Nange & even granddaughter Zhizhi …

and please Nangege still alive somewhere … hopefully SituChen’s real love is actually Nangege and Zhizhi is their daughter.

Xunange seems to meet dead end …. time to ask help from Daddy XuSanYe to please safe Nanjingshu .. they should have married because they have child & even grandchild already… it’s long overdue …

Wishing Nangege still alive somewhere and that she is actually the one Situ Chen loves and that Zhizhi is their child.

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