My Accidental Husband is a Billionaire

Chapter: 1632

Nan Wei bowed slightly: “Because, only marriage is the most reliable relationship, and only blood relatives are inseparable! I only need to use a child to bind the Situ family, which is a very cost-effective thing.”

She patted Xu Nange’s shoulder: “When I first came to China, I saw that Situ Chen had feelings for you, and I thought I had no chance. I didn’t expect that you would give up this opportunity for a man. Thank you for giving up the benefit!”

She smiled and said this, squinted her eyes, and looked at Zhizhi again: “And this child, so cute…”

Leaving this sentence, she turned and left.

Xu Nange stared at her back, with a cruel look in his eyes.

Why did Nan Wei keep saying that he wanted Zhizhi?

Is there anything special about Zhizhi?

She really couldn’t figure out what use a three-year-old child could be!

Or… her father is not that Zhang Hao?

Xu Nange was just daydreaming when she saw Nan Wei walking away. Suddenly, she waved to the security guard. The security guard walked over. I don’t know what Nan Wei said, but he looked over and then walked over.

The security guard came directly to Xu Nange: “Miss Xu, I’m sorry, Miss Nan said that you are not welcome to the engagement party tonight, and she wants you to leave.”

Xu Nange frowned.

The security guard whispered: “She also asked me to tell you that you don’t want the Xu family and the Situ family to be hostile, right? Then don’t make it too ugly. It will be embarrassing for everyone. Just take the child and leave quietly.”

Xu Nange took a deep breath and pursed her lips.

Now she is a guest. As the heroine of tonight, Nan Wei certainly has the right to drive her away. Nan Wei must be afraid that something unexpected will happen if she stays, so she made this move.

Xu Nange sneered, looked around, took out her phone, and sent a message to Situ Chen: [I’m at the party, where are you? ]

Situ Chen replied quickly: [I’ll be downstairs soon. ]

As this message was released, Xu Nange saw Situ Chen slowly walking down the stairs from the second floor.

Xu Nange stood up and said to the security guard: “I’ll go congratulate the host before leaving.”

The security guard didn’t refuse when he heard this.

Xu Nange held Zhizhi and came directly to Situ Chen. She didn’t want to embarrass him by mentioning Nan Wei’s matter, so she just said: “Show me the photo of your grandfather’s first love.”

One reply on “Chapter: 1632”

Let the drama begin please!
Hopefully there will be chaos in the party!
I secretly wish for a fiasco when Situ Chen seeing Zhizhi. And some people mistaken him as Zhizhi’s father because of similarities. Or he then remember “something in the past” and calculating the timing suspecting that Zhizhi is his daughter. Demanding DNA test. But then the Grandpa also think Zhizhi looks like his first love. Double DNA test. Both men has been “dumped”. Let they drink away the sorrow together. LOL

Xunange will got headache. And Huo Bei Yan will irritated seeing “the family of 3” What will they do. Will they tell about Nangege.

Last time Grandma Nan left with the baby. Nanjingshu also left with twins. Not surprising if Nangege also left with the baby…. Or … Unless Howard was sent by the fox and tricked Nangege like when he tricked Xunange with Huo Bei Yan. Poor cute Zhizhi deserved better father who loves her.

Nangege, Nanjingshu and Grandma Nan are all very smart ladies with men devoting to them willing to save them. Each supposedly have guardians? Hopefully someone save them.

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