My Genius Son And His Billionaire Daddy

Chapter: 148

Su Meng looked at Shen Yu’an in horror.
She had doubts in her heart, but she also knew that it was not a good time to speak, so she pressed her lips tightly and did not speak.
Shen Yuan seemed to know the doubt in her heart, and said without looking back, “I asked someone to send it to the tax opportunity.”
Su Meng suddenly realized that she felt so guilty that she couldn’t help but yell at him, “Who let you be nosy!”
Obviously he was scolding Shen Yu’an, but the tears on her face were like springs.
“If you don’t care about this nosy, you won’t run into the madman Zhao Zhijun today, let alone the matter today.”
At this time, Shen Yuan suddenly became extremely keen. While turning, he glanced at Su Meng from the corner of his eye and saw the tears on her face, “Are you guilty?”
Su Meng opened her face and said nothing, but the tears in the corners of her eyes stopped.
How could she not feel guilty?
The reason why Shen Yuan sent the materials is very simple. It was nothing more than to help her solve the dog skin plaster of Zhao Zhijun and her mother.
If Shen Yuan hadn’t helped her, he wouldn’t know the madman Zhao Zhijun, and there would be no such thing as today.
He was still the president sitting in the president’s office, how could he follow her in such a panic, chased by the crazy Zhao Zhijun behind the back of the car and ran away.
Moreover, if one is not good today, it may be life-threatening.
How can she be worthy of the Shen family?
She listened to the more and more clear hum of cars in her ears, and she only felt that in the next instant, Zhao Zhijun’s car would crash into it.
Now that the car is driving so fast, if it really hits, there is only one dead end.
The more she thought about it, the more she was afraid, she couldn’t help crying loudly, and she felt more and more guilty for Shen Yu’an who was connected with the innocent.
Shen Yuan didn’t understand what Su Meng was guilty about, but watching Su Meng cry uncomfortably, he knew that this person was scared and irrational by Zhao Zhijun today.
He stared at the front of the car, gritted his teeth and said, “What are you crying? It’s not the time to cry. If you don’t want to leave Su Yankai alone in this world, please cheer me up, call me and continue. Call the police and report the coordinates.”
The three words Su Yankai immediately awakened Su who was in self-pity.
Yes, she also has Su Yankai. If she died with Shen Yuan, then his son would really be an orphan.
What a pitiful thing!
No, she can’t die, she wants to live!
She struggled to move the phone that had fallen under the car with her feet, gritted her teeth, flushed, and stretched her fingers to hook the phone.
In the fast-moving car, he dialed 110 again.
This time the policewoman on the other end of the phone answered the call faster, “Hello, my side is 110, what can I do for you?”
Su Meng bit and said, “Comrade police, I just called the police and was tracked by someone.”
The person on the other end of the phone became excited immediately, “Miss, please don’t worry, we have already sent someone over. But because you drove out of the city, we may come here a bit slower. You can report to the roadside Is it the iconic thing?”
Su Meng was holding the phone with one hand, and the handle with the other. A real person kept turning around with the car and was thrown around in the car, but she couldn’t care about the pain at the moment.
She wanted to look out through the glass, but the glass was pasted with an insulating layer, and she couldn’t see anything.
She could only shout at Shen Yu’an, “Shen Yu’an, you open the window and I want to report to the police about the landmark building.”
Shen Yuan opened the window.
Immediately, a violent wind blew in, so that Su Meng couldn’t open his eyes, let alone speak.
Shen Yuan immediately closed it again, “You go forward.”
Su Meng was lying on the window, looking ahead, struggling to find something more iconic from the buildings that flashed by the roadside.
Far away, she saw a street sign and read it to the person on the other end of the phone according to the street sign, “We just passed the street sign and turned to the left intersection.”
After hearing Su Meng’s words, the person on the other end of the phone said, “Okay, hold on again, my colleague will be here soon.”

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