My Genius Son And His Billionaire Daddy

Chapter: 265

Su Meng had long thought about it. Since the clothes were already torn, why didn’t she break and not stand, and chose to make a fuss about the torn clothes.
Duck down is wrapped in the down jacket. Duck down can be dyed. Dyed duck down also becomes the decoration of the clothing itself.
The more she thought about it, the more feasible she became, and the whole person exuded the excitement of finding inspiration.
She forcibly suppressed the excitement in her heart and said to the models and seven or eight staff around her, “I have found a solution now, but I will definitely not be able to handle more than 50 sets of clothes by myself. I can ask everyone to help me. busy?”
Everyone looked at each other, and in the end these people all walked away.
The model who took the lead before, Andy threw the bag on her wrist, “My old lady has been in the show for more than ten years, and she still doesn’t design clothes with the costume designer. I can help with that!”
Some other models think that since they have taken the money, they can’t show off, so let’s help the designer make clothes to make up for it.
But as for the real reason, it may be that the smile on Su Meng’s face is too confident.
The firmness and self-confidence between her eyes gave everyone confidence.
Designer Su is not afraid of being kicked out of the company, and is confident that he can fix the clothes. They only need to help, why not dare?
Su Meng looked at the people around her with warm heart, patted her palms, and forcibly restrained the agitation in her heart, “Okay, then I will start to divide the work now!”
Su Meng wanted to dye the down stuffed in the down jacket, and then put a white frosted material on the break of the clothing, so that the dyed down and the clothes could be integrated into a whole.
But the down jackets in front of me were all cut to pieces, and the originally filled duck down had been scattered around the room long ago.
So what needs to be done now is to buy enough duck down, and then find the white frosted sealing fabric to fill the holes in the clothes.
Duck down is easy to handle, just call the supplier.
But white frosted ones are hard to find.
Su Meng knows many white frosted sealing fabrics, but most of these fabrics are not commonly used fabrics and can only be obtained by making an appointment with the weaving factory in advance.
But she didn’t believe in evil, so she asked the model and staff to help make the loopholes in the clothes into an irregular shape that could be sewn. She started calling.
Ask all the cloth factory buyers she knows one by one according to her own memory.
“Hello, may I have the white frosted leaky cloth over there?”
“Sorry, these kinds of fabrics are specific fabrics, we don’t have them in our warehouse.”
After being rejected, Su Meng was not depressed and continued to make a second call.
“Sorry, we don’t have one in our warehouse.”
“Sorry, no.”
She almost called all the cloth factory buyers that everyone knew in the phone book, but everyone said sorry.
Su Meng’s face was a bit ugly, and she subconsciously bit her fingers with anxiety, and decided to call the last buyer.
At this moment, her cell phone rang, and the caller was Shen Yuan.
She is very anxious now, how can she take care of this man when she has time.
As soon as the phone was connected, she said, “I am very busy now, really busy. I will say if I have anything to do. I’ll hang up…”
Shen Yuan frowned and stopped her from hanging up, “Wait a minute.”
Su Meng’s brows were frowning, and her tone was full of anxiety, “I’m really busy. Shall we go back and say something?”
Shen Yuan heard the abnormality in Su Meng’s tone and asked with concern, “What’s wrong? Have you encountered something difficult? I can help you.”
Su Meng’s head flashed when she heard this.
Yes, why did she forget Shen Yu’an.
He is a hacker. If you ask him to help check the internal software of major cloth factories, wouldn’t it be obvious who has the materials she needs in the warehouse!
And the efficiency is faster than her calling one by one here.
She glanced at the time subconsciously, she just made a dozen calls, and the hour hand had already pointed to 3 o’clock.
There are only five hours left.
She was too lazy to be polite to Shen Yu’an, and simply said the current situation, “I need your help now. I need your help to find some fabrics in the major cloth factories.”
Shen Yu’an on the other end of the phone responded, fingering the keyboard quickly, “What else?”
His voice was calm and steady, and he listened very reliably.
Su Meng’s heart panicked because of pressure, listening to Shen Yu’an’s voice on the other end of the phone, miraculously calmed down.
Because she believes that the man on the other end of the phone can definitely help her with any problems.
Sure enough, it took less than ten seconds for Shen Yu’an to say, “I found…There are these fabrics in the warehouse of the cloth factory, but there are not many, only 2 horses, is it enough?”
Su Meng nodded wildly in surprise, “Enough enough, enough.”
This cloth factory happened to be the one she hadn’t called. She wanted to make a call quickly.
Shen Yu’an on the other end of the phone was like a roundworm in her stomach, and she suddenly guessed what she was thinking.
“Do you want to hang up my phone and call the cloth factory? I have asked my assistant Xiao Li to call, and I will ask him to take you directly to the meeting place.”
Su Meng nodded ecstatically, “Well, it’s best for you to arrange this way!”
It is the rush hour from 5 o’clock. If the fabric factory arranges time for delivery, if there is a traffic jam, it may be late.
She knows her assistant Xiao Li, who is serious and meticulous and will never cause such problems.
It will definitely not be a problem to entrust him with the task of transporting cloth.
Shen Yuan on the other end of the phone continued, “You should still need a sewing machine and dyes. Tell me what type of sewing machine you need and what color dyes, you tell me, I’ll send you to the venue in half an hour.”
For half an hour, if all these things can be reached, it is definitely a great help to Su Meng.
Su Meng glanced at the clothes on the floor, and reported the dye color and the model of the sewing machine that he had thought about long ago to Shen Yuan on the phone desk.
Shen Yuan answered on the phone, “Well, wait for half an hour, these things will appear in the venue on time.”
Su Meng said from the bottom of his heart, “Shen Yu’an, thank you so much this time.”
Shen Yuan listened to Su Meng’s voice at the desk of the phone and returned to the usual gentleness, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, “I have to be paid for all of my help.”
Su Meng was taken aback, and asked a little cautiously, “What’s the reward? Can’t it be for me to kill and set fire.”
Shen Yuan gave a chuckle, and the magnetic smile appeared even more magnetic after being spread through the telephone line, as if someone had chuckled softly against her ear, and immediately caused a tingling to come from her back.
Shen Yuan on the other end of the phone noticed Su Meng’s abnormality, so she said cryptically, “What kind of compensation is needed? Let’s talk about it when you’re done. Just remember it.”
Su Meng hung up the phone with blushing cheeks, rubbed her red and hot ears, and started to busy with everyone.
And Shen Yuan’s assistant, Xiao Li, just as Shen Yuan said, after half an hour, he brought all the things Su Meng needed.

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