My Genius Son And His Billionaire Daddy

Chapter: 309

After the meal, Su Meng intimately took a paper towel and prepared to wipe the corners of Shen Yuan’s mouth, but was quickly avoided by Shen Yuan’s actions.
“What are you doing?” Shen Yuan leaned back, avoiding Su Meng’s extended hand.
Su Meng blinked and said flatly, “I want to wipe the corners of your mouth.”
Shen Yuan frowned slightly, took the tissue from Su Meng, and wiped the corners of his mouth gracefully, “Let’s go.”
When speaking, his expression was a little cold, and he seemed a little unhappy.
Su Meng felt a little nervous, but she was okay just now, so why was she suddenly upset.
She didn’t dare to show her inner anxiety, and took the initiative to hook Shen Yu’an’s arm. Together, the two returned to the elevator and returned to the president’s office on the top floor.
As soon as he entered the office, Shen Yuan broke free of Su Meng’s arm, walked straight behind the desk, and said in a cool tone, “There are no people in the office, and you don’t have to continue acting.”
“We were originally contracted couples. Isn’t it normal to act outside? Then do you still think I want to terminate the contract with you in advance?”
Shen Yuan raised his eyes and gave Su Meng a faint glance.
“Do you know how much news I pressed with Xiao Li recently?”
He didn’t answer Su Meng’s question directly, but instead asked Su Meng back.
Su Meng was a little dazed by the question, blinked her eyes and looked confused, “What do you mean by this?”
Shen Yuan leaned back, leaning on the sofa, curled his lips, and smiled coldly.
“On the second day of the wedding, I came to the company to work overtime, and you took your family to travel. What do you think the media will write about it?”
He just sent a few meals and wanted him to simply forgive her for not coming to apologize after the quarrel, and instead took the family to travel.
This is because Su Meng underestimated him too much, and she overestimated her craftsmanship.
How can there be enough food for one day? It must last ten days and a half months.
Su Meng was reminded by Shen Yuan, and several news headlines appeared in bold and black.
“On the first day of the wedding, Shen Yu’an and his wife looked close together!”
“On the second day of the wedding, the newlyweds live in different places. When will President Shen divorce?”
“President Shen is working overtime, his wife is traveling, and the three-month marriage is a red light!”
Each headline was shocking and eye-catching, scaring her back except for a layer of cold sweat.
How could she forget that Shen Yuan, as the richest man in China, has a traffic that is no less than that of any first-line star in the entertainment industry.
Even at the door of Shen’s house, paparazzi cars have been parked there for many years.
She would only care about getting angry with Shen Yu’an, thinking about finally going out on vacation, so she really forgot about it.
She will not forget that those big stars must wear hats and masks when they go out. Even so, if there is a derailment or emotional crisis, the paparazzi will be accurate.
Not to mention that she didn’t use any means to hide her identity on this trip.
Su Meng said in a panic, “What can we do then? If this news comes out, someone will definitely guess the anomaly between us.”
“I pressed it down.”
Hearing these words, Su Meng’s panicked little heart was slightly settled, “What about photos or videos?”
“It’s all deleted!” Shen Yuan tapped a finger on the armrest, staring straight at Su Meng’s face and said, “This is the extra expense, which is counted on your head.”
“More, how much is it?” Su Meng asked with a pale face and trembling throat.
Seeing the woman in front of him finally showed a look of fear, Shen Yu’an became more excited by pointing her fingers, her face still calm, “Not much, 50 million!”
Fifty million?
Su Meng only felt that her eyes were dark, and she was about to faint!

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