My Husband, Warm the Bed

Chapter: 1633

A thunderous night.
Two men and women who seem to be absolutely impossible to lie together slept on the same bed. The hearts of the two of them were not at peace, and even because of the existence of each other, their hearts were surging, but they were surprisingly calm and peaceful. Both people’s breathing became noise this night.
Zhan Limo wanted to say something, but couldn’t bear to break the tranquility in the dark night.
Maybe it was too quiet, maybe it was really tired after a day of traveling, but after a long time, Zhuang Momo fell asleep in the arms of the end of the war.
She was asleep, but Zhan Limo was still in high spirits. A girl who made him fascinated was lying in her arms. He was a normal man again, so how calm.
But he tried hard to control his inner impulse, but his two eyes couldn’t look away from Zhuang Momo’s face.
Staring at Zhuang Momo for a while, his hand moved lightly and gently and gently stroking Zhuang Momo’s darker face than usual.
This woman is not only fair, but the skin feels very good…In the past, what kind of method did she use to fool him?
Or does he really have eye problems?
Such a beautiful girl swayed in front of him every day, and he kept calling her a man-in-law.
Fingertips moved, and Zhan Limo flicked lightly. This girl has good skin elasticity, and the collagen on her face is really amazing.
Just when his fingertips were rubbing unscrupulously on Zhuang Momo’s face, Zhuang Momo suddenly blinked and murmured something in his mouth. Zhan Limo immediately held his breath and listened, but he didn’t understand: “Zhuang Momo, what are you talking about?”
He approached her and asked softly, Zhuang Momo opened his mouth slightly and spoke again: “Second sister, don’t be naughty, go to bed, and get up early tomorrow.”
“Second Sister?” Zhan Limo was very happy to hear other men’s names in Zhuang Momo’s mouth, and the corners of her lips rose unconsciously, “This young master is not your second sister. Sooner or later, this young master will meet Chase you and be your man.”
The night was still long, but nothing happened again this night, everything was calm.

The next day.
It may be that she is used to the life of the army. Zhuang Momo woke up just after the dawn. When she woke up, she turned over neatly. She didn’t know that she was still held tightly in her arms by Zhan Limo. He With great strength, she struggled twice, but she couldn’t escape his embrace.
She said: “The end of the war, it’s dawn, you should let go.”
At the end of the war, there was no response, and his breathing was steady.
Zhuang Momo tried to call out again: “Zhan Li Mo?”
At the end of the war, there is no answer.
He shouldn’t be awake, Zhuang Momo thought so. After thinking that way, her courage became a bit fatter, staring at his face and squeezed her hand.
To be honest, this man in Zhan Limo is really good-looking, and not only is he good-looking, but also has his temperament, that kind of military man’s own strong dominance is 100% inherited from his dad-it’s really very fascinating. People are fascinated.
“Zhan Limo, why? Why did you suddenly confess to me after I gave up on you? You don’t know how much a man like you breathes a woman, how many girls can you confess?” She is also one of the girls who can’t stand it, but her reason tells her that he and her will never have an emotional intersection. She can’t afford such a man. She doesn’t want her to live like Zhuang Yindi said in the future. That way, living with a big carrot would be very tiring.
“Other girls can’t resist it. This young master is not rare at all. This young master is rare in you, Zhuang Momo.” Zhuang Momo thought that Zhan Limo, who was sleeping, suddenly opened his eyes and looked sharply at her.
Their faces are close at hand, and they may touch them with a slight movement.
The expression in his eyes said that Zhuang Momo had never seen the deep affection. For a moment, she wanted to give up her reason and let herself be willful and impulsive. A good relationship is enough for this life.
But after all, Zhuang Momo still couldn’t say it, she was afraid, afraid that her life was in the hands of others.
There has never been a person since childhood, and there is no one thing that scared her so much. Even when Grandpa knew she was a girl, she disliked her, she had never been as timid and scared as she is now.
She was afraid that she would fall into the abyss of ten thousand battles and would never be able to get up again in this life.
“Zhuang Momo, what are you struggling with? Give me a chance and give yourself a chance. Is it so difficult?” Zhan Limo’s voice sounded in Zhuang Momo’s ears, so close that she could feel it. His breath made her heart beat faster and she was speechless again.
Zhan Limo said again: “Zhuang Momo, I always thought you were a fighter, a fighter who was not afraid of anything. In the face of riots, you were not even afraid of enemy bullets, but now you are just asking you to talk to me. In love? What are you afraid of? Don’t you think in your heart that you are not worthy of this young master?”
“Why am I not worthy of you?” Zhuang Momo is so strong, how can I make Zhanlimo humiliate her, “Zhanlimo, if you didn’t rely on your father, it would still be a problem for you to enter our Flying Eagles team, you What kind of capital is there to be proud of?”
“Then tell me why?”
“If you don’t speak, you don’t think you are worthy of me. Since you are so unconfident, I can’t force you to not.” Knowing Zhuang Momo’s temperament, Zhan Limo said deliberately, “Zhuang Momo, You don’t even have such a little confidence. How can you be qualified to be a soldier. If you return to the army in the future, you’d better not show up in front of me again. Don’t let me see you, a weak and timid person. This young master looks down on it. ”
“The end of the war, why?”
“Just relying on someone chasing you, you dare to agree. There is no such kind of persuasion in our Flying Eagles.”
“At the end of the war, don’t think you want me to promise you when you use this kind of aggressive method. Let me tell you, let alone there are no doors, there are even windows.”
“Of course I know that you, a coward who doesn’t even dare to talk about love, will surely close the windows tightly, otherwise it will be a little turbulent, and you will definitely get scared to wet the bed.”
“The end of the war!”
“How? You think you can scare me by shouting so loudly?”
“Zhan Li Mo, you shut up!”
“I’m not going to shut up.” Zhan Limo smiled softly, “Zhuang Momo, if you want to be a man, don’t you fucking mother-in-law, just have a love affair with this young master.”
“Talk and talk, who is afraid of whom?” Zhuang Momo knew clearly that Zhan Limo had deliberately agitated her, but she was still fooled by him, but when she realized what she had said, she did not regret it.
Things that you won’t agree to when you are calm, and you agree when you are excited, then try to talk to him.
If the two people do not come together in the future, they can break up at any time.

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