My Love, Enlighten Me

Chapter: 1398

Ji Wanshu cried and said that he was tired, so he lay directly on the ground and fell asleep.
Shen Liang thought for a while and took out his mobile phone. He started to take pictures of Ji Wanshu who was lying on the ground, taking pictures from all angles.
then. She just went to help Ji Wanshu: “Go, and go home. Where do you live?”
Ji Wanshu was confused, and opened his mouth and said, “I live in your heart.”
Shen Liang: “???”
I really didn’t see that this eldest lady was drunk and still loved to talk about love.
After Ji Wanshu said this sentence. He just fell asleep and couldn’t wake up.
Shen Liang hesitated again and again. Decided to take Ji Wanshu to his own home.
She actually knew the location of the Ji family, but the Ji family’s tutoring was extremely strict. If he was sent back to Ji’s house like this, it might be difficult for Ji Wanshu to explain.
You can also send it to the hotel, but just in case you meet an acquaintance. Ji Wanshu may want to kill her tomorrow.
Ji Wanshu was completely asleep, if Shen Liangping hadn’t exercised, he really couldn’t help Ji Wanshu. She looks very thin. But the weight is not light.
While waiting for a taxi on the side of the road, Shen Liang stood with Ji Wanshu in his hands. When the car came, Shen Liang freed up a hand to stop the car, Ji Wanshu pounced on her, Shen Liang couldn’t take care of that much, so he could only hug Ji Wanshu not to let her fall to the ground.
Shen Liang was also relieved when he finally got into the car.
arrive home. Ji Wanshu vomited Shen Liang, and Shen Liang could only drag her to take a bath, and then changed her pajamas to her.
When Ji Wanshu was finally settled, Shen Liang stood in front of the bed with his hands on his hips and snorted coldly: “I have never served a few people like this in my mother’s life.”
… the next morning.
Shen Liang is going to rush the announcement.
She thought about it, and decided to wake up Ji Wanshu and bring Ji Wanshu back last night, just out of good intentions, but her relationship with Ji Wanshu is not so good, it is impossible to leave Ji Wanshu alone. She sleeps at home.
“Ji Wanshu?” When Shen Liang knocked on the door and went into the second bedroom, he found that Ji Wanshu was awake.
With a mobile phone in his hand, Ji Wanshu curled up on the bedside, looking at Shen Leng with astonishment.
Shen Liang thought to himself, this man was silly.
“You…” Shen Liang took two steps forward, but was interrupted by Ji Wanshu.
Ji Wanshu panicked and said: “Don’t come here!”
“Ji Wanshu, what did you go crazy early in the morning? You should get out of bed when you wake up.” She kindly brought Ji Wanshu back to sleep, Ji Even if she doesn’t thank Wan Shu, she is still blind.
Ji Wanshu was stunned by her scolding, hesitatingly said: “Shen Liang, have you read the hot search?”
“What hot search?” Shen Liang thought of Ji Wanshu’s look, and he understood in his heart. What, hurriedly turned around to find his mobile phone.
Shen Liang found his mobile phone and opened Weibo to see the hot search list.
Hot search is the first to hang out a hot search that has spent over 100 million: [Shen Liang and a woman kiss on the street late at night].
Shen Liang’s eyes widened in disbelief: “What’s this?”
Ji Wanshu had changed his clothes and came out, and said with a serious face: “It’s a picture of us.”
Shen Liang looked up at her. He shrank back, as if Shenliang was a scourge.
Shen Liang didn’t care about Ji Wanshu, clicked on the hot search, and saw the contents inside, all of a sudden.
Ji Wanshu on the side also looked through everything in a tone: “I understand, why Zhiyan would rather choose that kind of woman than with you…”
Shen Liang looked at her coldly: “Shut up! “

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