My Love, Enlighten Me

Chapter: 1619

Gu Zhiyan knew that when she was calm and calm, it meant that she had thought clearly and had made up her mind.
He didn’t expect Shen Liang to mention it again, and he began to feel flustered.
Standing in front of the car, he did not respond for a long time.
Shen Liang waited for a while, and made sure that Gu Zhiyan didn’t intend to speak out, so he said, “I’m going now, you can go back.” After Shen Liang finished speaking, he left in front of him.
Gu Zhiyan reacted slowly for a while, stepped forward to hold Shen Liang, and said firmly and urgently: “There is no way to talk, it is impossible to break up!”
“Emotion is a matter of two people, and you don’t count it alone.” Shen Liang was calm, tried to shake off his hand, but didn’t shake it off: “Let go.”
Gu Zhiyan didn’t let go .
“If you want people to be photographed by us, it’s okay if you don’t loose it.”
“It’s not better to be photographed, anyway, I want to make it public.”
Gu Zhiyan looked like a rascal.
Shen Liang couldn’t do anything with Gu Zhiyan like this. She looked up at Gu Zhiyan with an expression of impatience on her face. She didn’t try to persuade Gu Zhiyan to let go. It seemed like she was too lazy to argue with him, and it seemed like nothing. Don’t care anymore.
Gu Zhiyan was frightened by the coldness.
He had never seen Shen Liang like this.
The feeling of being unable to grasp came to his mind again. Not only did he not let go of his cold hand, but he tightened it.
“I don’t want to go back anymore. I stayed up several nights in a row. I can’t drive back anymore. Can I go to your place to rest?”
Actually, it’s not that he stayed up all night because of work. .
Shen Liang noticed that his face was really bad, and when he looked closely, he was a little haggard.
Gu Zhiyan saw that Shen Liang hadn’t spoken, thinking that Shen Liang was going to reject him, and quickly said, “I know your apartment is not big. It’s okay for me to lay the floor, and I can!” Shen Liang couldn’t bear to refuse. Nodded slowly.
Gu Zhiyan showed joy, his eyes lit up suddenly: “Then I’ll go drive now!”
Shen Liang stopped him.
“Don’t drive, haven’t you stayed up all night for a few hours?” Fatigue driving is prone to accidents.
Shen Liang is caring about him.
After Gu Zhiyan realized this, he left everything behind whether he was driving or not, and nodded quickly: “Well, don’t drive! Let’s walk together.”
Shen Liang walked slowly, not hurriedly. not talking.
She is too quiet, Gu Zhiyan is still a little uncomfortable, but this is much better than the coldness of breaking up with him before opening her mouth.
The two quickly walked to the desolate apartment.
The desolate apartment is about 100 square meters, but it has been renovated into one bedroom and one living room with no extra rooms.
As soon as Gu Zhiyan entered the door, he began to regret, why did he talk about hitting the floor?
Shen Liang walked in front, and found that Gu Zhiyan hadn’t followed up after entering the door, so he looked back at him.
Gu Zhiyan forced a smile and walked in.
Okay, anyhow, I also came in, where I sleep is the same.
I can only comfort myself in this way.
Shen Liang walked over and opened the bedroom door: “Sleep to bed.”
Gu Zhiyan raised his head when he heard the sound, and saw Shen Liang standing at the bedroom door, looking back at him.
He was standing by the door, thin and quiet, which made Gu Zhiyan afraid to speak too loudly.
“It’s okay, I just…” He whispered rejection.
Shen Liang didn’t listen to what he said at all, so he walked into the bedroom and made the bed for him.

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