My Love, Enlighten Me

Chapter: 1650

“Yeah.” Gu Manman responded again and took a bite of a bunch of chicken wings.
She was still waiting for Tang Chaomu to continue talking, but she didn’t hear Tang Chaomu’s voice for a long time. He looked up at him: “Then what?”
Tang Chaomu looked at her angrily : “What do you think?” This little girl is sometimes dull to make people angry.
Gu Manman didn’t dare to eat the chicken wings that reached his mouth.
What did she say, she said.
Isn’t he talking?
Why did you tell her again.
Gu Manman took another bite of chicken wings cautiously, and suddenly blessed his soul: “You let me find a female companion for you, right?”
Tang Chaomu nodded.
Although Gu Manman’s understanding ability is a little bit worse. But this is almost the same, he can’t expect a bigger breakthrough with her IQ.
“If Xiao Liang’s arm is not injured. I can accompany you…” Gu Manman said to herself: “But she is injured now, so she can only find someone else. But you can find someone else, just wrap it up. On me.”
“You… why are you looking at me like this?” Gu Manman found that Tang Chaomu’s complexion became even more ugly.
Did she say something wrong just now?
Tang Chaomu looked dissatisfied.
For the sake of them being friends. She is already so enthusiastic about finding a female partner for him, what else does he want?
“You are so stupid!”
Tang Chaomu interrupted her coldly.
“…” Gu Manman was dumbfounded by him.
A few seconds passed. She put down the chicken wings in her hand and looked at him angrily: “What’s the matter with you, you will attack me personally at every turn!”
Tang Chaomu stretched out his hand and pressed his sudden temple. Advise yourself to calm down.
Is his words so difficult to understand?
He has already said so clearly, he lacks a female companion, but she still wants to help him find someone else.
Tang Chaomu even began to suspect that there was a problem with his expressive ability.
“Unreasonable to make trouble. Inexplicable!” Gu Manman also sneered like Tang Chaomu. He took a few more meat skewers and ate it.
She is very angry now, pretending to be fierce. The food is not very good.
But the appearance of Zhang Yawu claws is a bit like the little wild cat in the park of Tang Chaomu’s company. Although fierce, it is a group pet in the park, very likable, and someone made a photo wall for it.
Tang Chaomu couldn’t say what she thought in her heart. It was very inexplicable, and the anger subsided.
He patiently said to Gu Manman: “You don’t need to find someone else, you can do it.”
Gu Manman heard it, and refused directly: “I can’t!”
Tang Chaomu pushed the plate with the barbecue to her, the meaning was more obvious But:
——I have invited you to a barbecue, you still say no?
You can’t do it!
As the saying goes, take the hand short and eat the mouth.
Gu Manman couldn’t breathe anymore now.
She glanced at Tang Chaomu carefully: “I think, you participate in activities, such occasions, should you find someone with more status…or a beautiful female partner, don’t you think?”
Tang Chaomu usually The cynicism towards her was not a lot at all.
Therefore, when Tang Chaomu said that he was missing a female companion, Gu Manman never thought that he would go to her. Her first reaction was that he asked her to help find someone.
Tang Chaomu’s tone sounded unemotional: “Do you think you are not beautiful?”
There is no girl who loves beauty and doesn’t think she is beautiful .
But the person who asked this question was Tang Chaomu, and Gu Manman had to answer it carefully. Otherwise, he would encounter a crit from the boss of Tang Da.

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