Never Late, Never Away

Chapter: 1118

Why is she staring at Gu Yihan like that, she won’t fall in love at first sight, do you like Gu Yihan?

Gu Yihan moved his body calmly, slowly approaching Lin Momo, and silently stuffed the phone into Lin Momo’s hand.

After Lin Momo took it, some of the things he didn’t understand were looking at Gu Yihan, and whispered, “What are you doing?”

Gu Yihan is ashamed, what can I do for you with a mobile phone? Of course it was shown to you, do you want you to take photos?


“What are you looking at?” Lin Momo then asked.

“Look at the phone!” Gu Yihan said with an aura. He really didn’t understand whether Lin Momo was really stupid and fake. Stupid, it was the same as before, with zero IQ.

“Oh.” Lin Momo picked up the phone and looked at it.

Ye Wenyu, the son of Ye Lingtian and his wife…

Um? It turns out that my brother is called Ye Wenyu, so what’s the point of being a wife?

An Kehui, Ye Lingtian was an extramarital lover, and later his wife…

Extramarital lover? Then righting? Means that this so-called mother is just a stepmother with me? Does Ye Lingtian want to do this? Seeing this, Lin Momo had a bigger opinion on Ye Lingtian in his heart.

Ye Qian, the daughter of Ye Lingtian and An Kehui…

When Lin Momo finished reading everything, he ignored Ye Lingtian and walked straight to the bed of his younger brother, watching Ye Wenyu lying in front of the bed.

At this time, Ye Wenyu was slightly thinner, and the blood on his right arm was showing up, his abdomen was slightly bulged, a little swelled, and the sweat on his forehead was constantly low.

Lin Momo saw that he was a younger brother like this, and his mood was a little bit depressed, how could he become like this!

There really is leukemia!

“When are you going to prepare for the operation?” Lin Momo wiped the sweat on Ye Wenyu’s head with her hand, and asked anxiously.

“At any time, I asked when I first entered the hospital, as long as the bone marrow is properly matched, surgery can be performed anytime.” Looking at Lin Momo, Ye Lingtian said with some excitement in his heart.

“Okay, now I will ask someone to check if the bone marrow matches, and surgery in the afternoon.” Lin Momo can’t bear to let himself be a little bit wronged by his own brother.

“Huh? No, you can’t operate today. You take a day off and perform it tomorrow.” Gu Yihan said with a stern expression of discomfort.

“Why? You look at my brother now. It makes people feel distressed. Of course, it is best to have the operation early.” Lin Momo said unwillingly.

“You didn’t have a good rest last night. This will cause you too much damage. Moreover, I am looking for the chief surgeon to arrive tomorrow. If you don’t want your brother to be too dangerous, just wait two days.”

Gu Yihan was afraid that Lin Momo had made a mistake during the operation, so he forced a transfer to the hospital, and also specially found a professional expert to perform the operation.

Even if Lin Momo wanted to do it today, if the attending physician didn’t come, she had no choice but to nodded helplessly, “Okay, let’s have an operation tomorrow.”

A different color flashed in Ye Qian’s eyes, and her eyes kept wandering between Gu Yihan and Lin Momo.

The relationship between these two seems very difficult. How could Gu Yihan do his best to help her?

“President Gu, thank you for helping my brother find the ward.”

Ye Qian took a step forward, fiddled with her hair, and then said softly.

Only then did Gu Yihan notice that this person had Ye Qian in front of him.

After he broke up with Cheng Kexin, he was merciless and entangled with Ye Qian for a period of time. Of course, Gu Yihan only had fun and didn’t pay too much attention to Ye Qian.

“Well, you’re welcome, I didn’t expect him to have you as his younger brother.” Gu Yihan replied politely.

“That’s fine. I will invite you to dinner later. First, thank you for helping my brother. Second, we have been seeing each other for a long time. It’s just time to get together.”

Ye Qian knew that Gu Yihan was worthwhile, so she naturally wanted to please Gu Yihan, and she had mentioned it to Ye Lingtian more than once, asking him to go to Gu’s house to speak for herself. If you want to become Gu Yihan’s wife, then don’t you want the wind to get the wind, and the rain to get the rain?

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