Never Late, Never Away

Chapter: 1443

So she had no choice but to find her own supervisor. Of course, she didn’t talk to the supervisor too much, but asked him to help herself find a servant who used to work at Ye’s house and now has current status and position.

The supervisor also agreed because Lin Momo did make a lot of contributions to his own team, so he didn’t even think about it.

“Ah? Ah! Momo, this, don’t worry, you work hard first, I am using contacts to help you check it out, isn’t it?”

The supervisor was in a daze, and didn’t think that Lin Momo would ask himself this as soon as he came up.


Lin Momo originally thought that the supervisor had found out something and told himself, but he didn’t even think of any information.

“Then what is the supervisor looking for me this time?”

Lin Momo asked dejectedly.

“Cough cough cough, uh, um, Momo, you said that I have asked someone to check on that matter, don’t worry, it should be the result within a couple of days.”

The supervisor heard Lin Momo say with embarrassment, after all, he agreed to Lin Momo, but now he left the matter behind.

“You can work with peace of mind. Tomorrow you will go to Ji’s Group to interview President Ji Xiangru.”

In the end, the supervisor ordered to Lin Momo. Although he was embarrassed, he still had to say that there was something at work. After all, Ji Xiangru personally ordered it to come down.

“okay, I get it.”

Lin Momo took a breath, and finally agreed. Although she didn’t want to have it, it was because she had a job.

After Lin Momo hung up the phone, she couldn’t help but sighed. She naturally understood in her heart that Ji Xiangru was doing these things to interview herself, all to get closer to herself.

But even if she knows it, she has to go. Who is the president and who is responsible for interviewing the president and the team leader? It is understandable that people want to go by themselves.

Er Ya saw Lin Momo’s sad look on her face and couldn’t help but worry, and then asked Lin Momo, “What’s wrong with Sister Momo? What happened? Is it something from your biological mother?”

Lin Momo took a deep breath and explained to Erya, “What’s the matter? I asked the editor-in-chief to help me check my biological mother’s affairs. What clues are there now? The editor-in-chief just called me to tell me tomorrow. Go make one.”

Lin Momo explained patiently, because she didn’t want anyone around her to worry about herself anymore.

If the thought nodded, Er Ya immediately moved towards Lin Momo and then asked, “That Sister Momo, what time is tomorrow? Who has the interview? What are you preparing for the interview? I can do some homework, right?”

Erya is now Lin Momo’s assistant. It is also a matter to ask these questions. She has to help Lin Momo sort out the information, and then find out the interviewer. According to the interviewer’s situation, she will list the relevant issues.

Lin Momo knew that this was Erya’s worry about her own condition, or she was afraid that she was too tired, so she had to prepare these materials for herself, but Lin Momo still hesitated.

It is not an exclusive interview for Ji Xiangru to find her own eyes, so preparing these things is purely unnecessary. She is afraid that Erya is worried about how she will be Ji Xiangru.

But at the same time, she was also worried that if she didn’t say anything to Erya, Erya thought she was not at ease with her. If it hurts Erya again because of this, wouldn’t it be worth the loss?

Lin Momo hesitated for a moment, thought for a while, and finally told Erya the truth, “Erya, you don’t need to prepare any of those things and materials. Actually…In fact, it’s Ji Xiangru who will ask me for an interview tomorrow, it’s you last time. Come with me to meet the president of that company.”

Lin Momo was afraid that Er Ya had forgotten Ji Xiangru, and reminded again.

“Huh? Is it him?”

Er Ya was a little surprised. He didn’t think that Lin Momo had just come back here, and how could he meet with his own boss? This guy has already got together.

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