Never Late, Never Away

Chapter: 2946

“I just want you to help me pass on a message to Gu Wang, I love him, both in the past and now.” Zhao Yinuo said movingly, she was so sincere and serious, that the next to him Several young people were indeed moved.

In her whole life, it’s only been so many decades, no matter how you live, you can’t avoid death after all, so why should she be afraid?

When the person in front of him heard the word “Gu Wang”, his body trembled subconsciously.

“Big brother, she is Gu Wang’s person. If Gu Wang finds out that this is what we did, she will definitely not let us go.” A man next to him said timidly.

The man, who was obviously the boss, was stunned when he heard the words of the younger brother beside him. He touched his chin and started to think.

Zhao Yinuo has not been found for a long time, which makes Gu Wang feel more and more uneasy. How can he mobilize so many people and still not find her?

“Brother, my right eyelid keeps jumping.” Zhou Yang said softly while holding his arm tightly.

Right eye jumping disaster, this is a folk saying, suddenly, Zhou Yang’s heart was a little flustered, could it be that something happened to Zhao Yinuo?

Gu Wang stood beside him without saying a word, looking very haggard.

“Boom!” Two cars collided on the road, but luckily the situation was not very serious.

“Why are you driving! Are you blind?” the man who was driving away with Zhao Yinuo roared directly, his aura was very dissatisfied.

“Sorry, I didn’t pay attention just now, don’t worry, I will compensate.” A voice came from outside the car window, but how did it sound familiar?

Zhao Yinuo tilted her head, thinking, and suddenly, she finally remembered.

“Yuan Jie! I’m Zhao Yinuo!” Zhao Yinuo in the car suddenly shouted.

“Okay, okay, get out of the way!” The man waved his hand at him, turned around and got into the car, and immediately let someone cover Zhao Yinuo’s mouth. Seeing that the man in front of him didn’t seem to have any reaction, he felt relieved and quickly let someone drive away.

But in fact, of course, Yuan Jie did not hear Zhao Yinuo’s shouting. The moment Zhao Yinuo spoke up, Yuan Jie recognized her voice and immediately became vigilant when he saw the man in front of him. Enoch had been missing for so long and was taken away by them!

Yuan Jie didn’t react too much, frowned and thought, with his own strength, he would definitely not be able to deal with them! He has to bring in rescuers!

“What did you say? You found Zhao Yinuo? Is it true? Where is it?” Zhou Yang asked immediately.

“I’m following them now, so hurry up and find a few more people over here. They’re all very cunning. I guess they’ve already begun to suspect that I’m following them.” Yuan Jie said in a low voice while driving the car.

“Brother, there is news!” Zhou Yang shouted happily.

Gu Wang heard that Zhao Yinuo had news, and immediately drove to the address given by Yuan Jie.

Zhao Yinuo, you must hold on! Gu Wang gritted his teeth, his eyes filled with worry.

“Brother, the guy next to us who hit our car is following us!” A young man suddenly said in the car.

Yo, this stinky man is really dying!

“Drive the car in a place with few people, let’s deal with him!”

Zhao Yinuo next to her was struggling, her expression was very complicated, but her mouth was blocked. These damned men couldn’t deal with her, and they even had to deal with Yuan Jie!

Soon, the car stopped in a park. Relatively speaking, the situation in the park was relatively complicated, so it was still beneficial to them.

“Get out of the car!” A man walked to Yuan Jie’s car and knocked hard on his window.

Yuan Jie had expected this scene for a long time, so he didn’t show any surprised expression. That’s right, he had already set a position for Zhou Yang before this.

Zhou Yang, I hope you don’t let me down! Yuan Jie tidied up his clothes, got out of the car slowly, pretended not to know anything, and asked, “What’s the matter?”

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