Never Late, Never Away

Chapter: 3229

However, just when his thoughts had just settled, Yang Ning suddenly clenched his fists and glared at him fiercely.

She roared excitedly and looked disgusted: “Deliberately provoke you? My impression of you is only the audition, is it good? If I try to take advantage of you, why should I not cry and make trouble after these things happen? Three hanging to make you popular with me!”

“Mr. An, you really think too highly of your own charm! Please don’t appear in my life.”

As soon as these remarks came out, Yang Ning vented a little of her unease, however, she also became more and more emboldened.

Because, she knew in her heart that these words were nothing but a gamble.

If An Tianxiang is just testing her, then these words, hearing his heart, can somewhat ease his suspicion, but it is very likely that he will not appear in her future life. If he goes to Yang month, everything is over.

Another possibility is that An Tianxiang really found out, but he didn’t do anything to Yang Ning for a long time, and he has been testing her purpose. Now, saying these words can help him to dispel her thoughts that she wants to climb the dragon and the phoenix.

However, no matter what, as long as he finds out that he is lying to him, everything may go out of control. No matter how much she thinks, it will be in vain.

“Really?” Listening to her words, An Tianxiang raised his brows, obviously not believing in his expression.

He couldn’t forget Yang Ning’s lame self-fall acting that day, but he really cared about what she said. He went back to check her information and found that there was almost no discrepancy, so he deepened his communication with her.

After getting along for the past few days, An Tianxiang became more and more confused about whether she was the Yang Ning in his memory, and often fell into a kind of doubt.

Therefore, even if he couldn’t pick out Yang Ning’s fault, he couldn’t help but try again and again.

But in the end, he didn’t want to be deceived.

In the quiet car, Yang Ning didn’t know what An Tianxiang was thinking. She held back her inner desire to escape and forced herself to look at his dark eyes.


Yang Ning responded firmly, clearly aware of An Tianxiang’s gradually slowing mood.

She had some doubts, looked at An Tianxiang’s profile, and thought to herself, doesn’t he plan to ask any more questions?

The atmosphere of silence spread between the two, and just when Yang Ning thought it would stay silent forever, An Tianxiang suddenly turned his face and spoke.

“If this is the answer you gave me, I can’t say anything to prove it, and I don’t want to prove anything in the past.”

He spoke lightly, as if he didn’t care at all.

However, in Yang Ning’s heart, a storm surged in an instant. She glanced at An Tianxiang’s face hidden in the shadows in shock, her emotions fluctuated.

It turned out that An Tianxiang was digging a hole for her!

He didn’t want to know his attitude and whether he was deliberately provoking him. An Tianxiang was just testing her repeatedly, forcing a result that she would never say.

After figuring this out, Yang Ning couldn’t help but look at An Tianxiang more, the man was really thinking too much.

First use the air ticket to cause her mood swings, then press for questions, and finally stop after hearing a tepid explanation. This kind of behavior is like teasing those cats and dogs.

“It turns out that Ann always thinks this way. It seems that I think more about you.”

Yang Ning’s words were lukewarm, but An Tianxiang’s heart was not touched, he lightly hooked his thin lips, and threw the ticket in his hand into her arms: “You really think too much, what is the truth? As long as you are really Yang Ning, I don’t care about anything.”

“Of course, if you lied to me, the end will only be worse.” An Tianxiang’s threats were deep and heavy, like a boulder pressing directly into Yang Ning’s heart.

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