Never Late, Never Away

Chapter: 356

That’s Cheng Luo! It suddenly occurred to her that her status as Cheng Luo was definitely someone she knew in the hospital.

Although I don’t want to cause trouble to Cheng Luo, there is no other way in this situation.

“Hey, what’s the matter? Ke Xin called so late?” When Cheng Luo’s clean and clear voice sounded, Su Kexin felt an inexplicable warmth and his heart was finally settled.

After the tight nerves were slightly relaxed, tears could no longer be suppressed, and the embankment burst. “Cheng Luo is my mother…My mother accidentally fell and hit the corner of the table. Now he is bleeding. Can you help me? Contact the hospital…”

Su Kexin cried and said to Cheng Luo.

When Cheng Luo heard that Su Yafen was injured, he hurriedly sat up on the bed and put on his clothes, and then rushed out the door, “Don’t worry, where are you now? I’ll go over!”

Su Kexin did not dare to delay and hurriedly reported his position. “We are on the way to the First People’s Hospital and we will be there soon.”

“The good thing is that you don’t worry, but take good care of Aunt Su. I will call the hospital to arrange it now.” Cheng Luo has already run to the garage and is starting the car.

“Thank you Cheng Luo.” After saying thank you to Cheng Luo, Su Kexin hung up.

Holding Su Yafen’s hand, Su Kexin kept praying in her heart, “Mom is something you must not do.”

After arriving at the hospital, the door was already there. The doctor was waiting. Su Yafen was quickly pushed into the emergency room, and Cheng Luo also rushed there.

“Su… Auntie, right?” Cheng Luo was panting when he ran all the way to the hospital.

Su Kexin shook his head, tears fell but couldn’t help but “I didn’t know it was me…”

Patting Su Kexin on the back said, “Don’t worry, there will be trouble.” Cheng Luo comforted.

“Yeah.” Su Kexin cried and nodded.

The lights in the operating room were always on, but Su Kexin was fidgeting looking at the closed door of the operating room.

The door of the operating room suddenly opened. A nurse hurried out and asked anxiously, “Who has the patient’s family?”

“I have! I have her daughter.”

Su Kexin immediately stepped forward upon hearing this.

“The patient is in an emergency and needs blood transfusion, but there is a blood bank and the blood storage is insufficient. Who of you is the same as the patient’s blood type?”

“I have her daughter so I can use my blood.” Su Kexin hurriedly rolled up his sleeves.

“Do you know what blood type you have?”

“I don’t know…” Su Kexin almost hates him now that he has never checked his blood type.

“Fortunately, you will prepare with me right away.” The nurse hurriedly took Su Kexin to the blood collection room, and Cheng Luo also followed.

However, after the results of the blood type test came out, Su Kexin was told that she had blood type A and Su Yafen had blood type O because the blood type did not match, so she could not give Su Yafen a blood transfusion.

Su Kexin was stunned at the time. It’s impossible. Why does he have type A blood?

She clearly remembered that Lin Haisheng had O-type blood and his mother also had O-type blood. So how could she have type A?

But I don’t have time to think about these now, maybe I remembered it wrong.

“Then what should I do now?” Su Kexin was momentarily noticed when he heard that he could not donate blood to Su Yafen.

“I have type O blood.” Cheng Luo was overjoyed when he heard that Su Yafen had type O blood. He hurried forward and said, “I can donate blood to Aunt Su.”

Looking at Cheng Luo gratefully, Su Kexin finally showed a smile, “Really? Cheng Luo thank you.”

He patted Su Kexin’s shoulder comfortably, and Cheng Luo followed the nurse to prepare for the blood transfusion.

I waited anxiously for about two hours before the lights in the operating room finally went out. The moment the door opened, Su Kexin immediately ran to the doctor and asked her mother anxiously.

“The operation is very successful because the patient is already in trouble and will come out soon.” The doctor took off the mask and said tiredly.

“Thank you, the doctor is thank you…” Su Kexin kept thanking the doctor, but the heart that had been hanging around for the whole night finally fell.

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