Never Late, Never Away

Chapter: 781

As long as Cheng Kexin can be happy, everything becomes unimportant.

“Don’t worry, it’s brother.” Gu Chi assured him when he looked at Cheng Luo.

You don’t need Cheng Luo to ask yourself to be like this.

Cheng Kexin had how much effort he had spent to get her back. If he let her go again this time, then he would be really useless.

“I believe you.” Cheng Luo heard Cheng Kexin’s cry after saying this.


Cheng Luo and Gu Chi rushed upstairs when they heard Cheng Kexin’s voice.

Not because of curiosity but because Cheng Kexin’s cry is too heartbreaking.

“What’s wrong with Kexin?” Gu Chi walked into the room and found Cheng Kexin’s figure.

Cheng Luo also searched the entire room, but the scattered things in the room were still empty, so please tidy up.

Gu Chi circled around and suddenly found that the window sill was very strange and the curtains had been pulled down to the ground, which fully confirmed that Cheng Kexin was there when he was in the room last.

Gu Chi walked towards the window step by step, the closer he was, the faster his heartbeat would be.

Gu Chi couldn’t believe that if Cheng Kexin really had an accident there, the consequences would be really unimaginable.

Three steps.

Two steps.

It’s near.

When Gu Chi walked to the window, he heard the sound of clothes rubbing in his ears, so Yu You directly lowered his head and looked out the window.


Cheng Kexin was pulled down and the window was now in a place where the air conditioner was placed below.

Gu Chi hurriedly jumped down to snatch Cheng Kexin back from the woman.

“Kexin is something wrong, right?” Gu Chi first took a look at Cheng Kexin’s body, and asked what was hurt to make sure.

“If something happens, I’m scared.” Cheng Kexin looked at Gu Chi and shook his head with a smile.

But that smile is the luck and fear of life after the catastrophe.

Seeing this smile, Gu Chi frowned distressedly, and then looked at the girl aside.

There is someone who has just been blocked by Gu Chi’s entire network, but now it is Gu Chi who knows what is going on.

“What do you want?” Cheng Kexin also recognized that she was asking what she wanted.

“I don’t think what I want is that I only want a job to be a good reporter. But Gu Chishi with you pushed me to the edge of the cliff.”

The woman’s name is Yuan Ying. She comes from a poor family. She dreams of becoming a successful journalist.

But the question I asked was really too tricky, and for good news unscrupulously caused a lot of people in the circle.

The question asked this time annoyed Gu Chi and was blocked. I’m not in the circle, and a friend helped me to give up like this.

I want to count all this on Gu Chi. But Gu Chi seemed very difficult to deal with, so he could only calculate Cheng Kexin, who seemed to be relatively easy to deal with.

“There are you who are not, how. But you are unscrupulous in order to get news, but you are not concerned about the safety of other people’s lives to understand your own hatred. You are not, what is wrong, but you have your problems, but you are facing us. ’S life is disturbing.”

“Everyone has each other, but it’s not as selfish as you. You go, I won’t hold you accountable this time.”

Cheng Kexin himself could be regarded as having colleagues with her before, and he understood her feelings well.

Fortunately, there was no harm this time. Otherwise, it would be impossible for Gu Chi’s temper to forgive her.

“Let’s go.” After saying this, Gu Chi took Cheng Kexin back to the room.

“Don’t forget Ben.” Gu Chi said this to Yuan Ying lightly before leaving, and then went on the window sill.

“Brother made you worry.” Cheng Kexin went up and saw that his brother had been looking at him, so he smiled at Cheng Luo to reassure him.

“It’s okay if nothing happens.” Cheng Luo looked at Gu Chi and went out.

“Well, don’t be afraid, it’s me.” Gu Chi knew that Cheng Kexin must have been scared just now.

He stepped forward to hold Cheng Kexin and rubbed her back up and down, hoping to give her some comfort.

“It’s okay. Let’s pack our things and go home.” Cheng Kexin is also okay, so hypocritical is that just being pulled down the window just now is not a big deal.

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